Part 12

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Nearly three hundred years ago the explosion of human space exploration had begun. The earliest explorers had ventured out, slowly at first, planting the flags of dozens of nations on new worlds. The home planet, no longer needed for its resources, became irrelevant. Unable to accept this development, Earth's most powerful families, mega corporations, politicians, and power brokers schemed to maintain their hegemony. At other times in history, they might have been called Patricians, or Aristocrats, or passed without notice, hiding in plain sight. But they shared the same timeless purpose; to rule at any cost.

Their plan, helped along by Rayker, was subtle, and painstakingly slow. Colonies were infiltrated with members from the cabal. Engineers, scientists, lawyers, and businessmen of all kinds, drawing on their wealth and personal ties, insinuated themselves into colonial society. This interplanetary elite relied on charisma, manipulation, and sometimes bribery to get their way. They did what social networkers do best—make connections, gain followers, and influence decisions.

On Earth, a handful of the most renowned thought leaders created the Central Committee to guide galactic decisions during the direst emergencies. Through their legions of infiltrators, the Committee bribed, seduced, or intimidated colony leaders across the stars. Located in Geneva, the beating heart of a new kind of empire branded itself under the ancient Swiss covenant. When confronted with accusations of imperialism, the Committee fervently denied that was their goal. Ours is not control of a super-state; they claimed to the credulous. Rather, it is a loose association of free communities. A Helvetic League.

With time, and Rayker's assistance, the League's grip tightened, and their control became irresistible. But cracks had begun to show in the façade. Cartels ran rampant. Stifling under the bigoted cultural authority of the Adjudicate, colonies grew restless and unruly. Riots and protests might be silenced, but then tens of thousands of pioneers fled out into the void, searching for a new world, and another chance to begin again. Humanity seemed to have a stubborn and willful strain that would not be contained. Every time a new planet was settled, the Adjudicate's enforcers had to scramble to keep up. Caldera, the newest world, seemed to have entirely broken free of Helvetic influence—the small foothold of Rackeye notwithstanding.

Now, as far as Rayker was concerned, the Helvetic League was a failure. No doctrine of influence, or new technology could change human nature. She argued to her benefactor that only a ruthless and technologically superior authority could bring the species into line. Despite receiving objections, she persisted in her argument. While it was true that such totalitarian states had failed in the past, this time would be different.

As the League's military sought to covertly interfere in the affairs of the colonies, they had resurrected a long-forgotten type of soldier, for a long-forgotten type of war. Despite setbacks and missteps, the army succeeded in producing several regiments of Special Forces. These elite soldiers could work in the shadows, without need for a strict chain of command. They trained, supported, and fought alongside rebels, cartels, and militias—any faction that could violently oppose an uncooperative planetary government.

Rayker's vision was to find, amongst those soldiers, men who shared her and her benefactor's ideals, and use their skills to manage armies of obedient, biologically superior drones. Her benefactor had approved of her plan, and provided the coordinates to the installation on Caldera that held the technology she needed. They tricked Merris and the other Cardinals into believing that the monsters would only be used to scare the colonists, but their true goal was much grander. With scientists who could unlock the installation's true potential, Rayker's team would be armed with unstoppable legions. They would build a new empire and usher in a new dawn for humanity.

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