Part 48

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Weslan could almost feel his intestines writhing like snakes as the cage's remote locks disengaged, and the door swung free. The first of three monstrous creatures slowly emerged into the sealed experimentation room. It was a lithe beast that made Weslan think of a big cat, but with much sharper horns, and spikes along its armored tail. Two smaller animals joined the larger one, and they seemed more relaxed than before their operations. Instead of tearing around in a rage, they sniffed the air cautiously, before dropping onto their bellies and waiting patiently.

Even so, Weslan was still reassured by the inch thick reinforced glass that protected the observation booth.

Conscious of Rayker's dispassionate gaze, he triggered another mechanism. A compartment in the wall pushed a towel into the room that immediately attracted the animal's attention. As they sniffed it with interest, the creatures seemed to become confused, looking around and making keening sounds.

Weslan cleared his dry throat. "The towel is laced with a scent that triggers a rush of dopamine in their brains," he explained.

His skin was grey and his eyes hollow with fatigue, but a spark of passion remained in his raw voice. He was proud of his incredible breakthrough in bioengineering; one he knew would change the world.

The creatures continued circling and sniffing the towel aimlessly.

"They know the control object is giving them a strong sense of motivation," Weslan continued, "but they have no idea what it means. They could follow it around until they die of starvation."

Standing next to him at the window, Reed watched dispassionately. "Like a religious man, with no prophet, no texts, and no inspiration," she said.

Weslan nodded. "Quite an unpleasant experience."

Rayker said nothing, and continued to watch.

Weslan took an aerosol can and sprayed it on a caged rat. He lifted the cage up to the wall compartment, opening the door to release the tiny animal as he triggered the transfer mechanism, and the rat scurried out into the experiment room. The creatures abandoned the towel and began to follow the newcomer. Once the rat calmed down, it allowed the creatures to approach closer. They were curious, sniffing it at first, then gently licking it with affection.

"A few days ago," Weslan said, "these specimens killed every rat they saw immediately. But this rodent carries a scent that triggers a release of oxytocin in the creature's brains, giving them a sense of love and attachment."

"But if it didn't have the scent, they would still kill it?" Rayker asked. "You haven't interfered with their normal levels of aggression?"

Weslan nodded. "They would certainly kill it. I'm not sure how that could be changed without a much greater understanding of their neurological architecture. But this is still a wonderful breakthrough—"

His cheeks flushed as his mind caught up with what he'd said. He shouldn't presume to congratulate himself. "I mean, Madam Rayker, I hope it meets your expectations."

Rayker grabbed the aerosol can and sprayed herself with it. "Let's find out," she said, as she turned to leave the observation booth.

"No! Madam, please wait!" Weslan said to her retreating back, but he was ignored.

He tried to chase after her, but Reed stopped him. "Don't bother," he said. "She won't be satisfied until she's tried it firsthand."

Weslan watched in horrified fascination as Rayker unlocked and opened the door to the experiment room, before stepping inside. The creatures spun around and raced over to her. Weslan's heart stopped as the largest of them leaped into the air. It collided with her, but she caught it without trouble, the animal sniffing and licking her face like an excited puppy.

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