Part 61

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They reached the farmstead towards the evening of the next day as the sun was setting, casting long shadows across the fields. On the horizon, Kayla caught sight of the first limb of Ran, Caldera's black and livid-red moon, rising into the night.

The main house was falling apart. Doors hung from their hinges, and insects zipped through shattered windows. Rust covered farming equipment was scattered here and there, while the musty smell of mold seemed to pervade everything. Kayla had a strange feeling as she realized that no sounds disturbed the evening air. Silence was almost unheard of on a farm. She fiddled with her shirt where it hung over her holstered pistol.

Urtiga swiped at her arm. "Don't advertise," she cautioned in a low voice. She, too, was alert, eyes darting from the horizon to the house and back.

Flicking on flashlights, they pushed through the front door and stepped inside, coughing as they inhaled the thick dust that hung in the air. The house had obviously been undisturbed since Owen had left it, with bits and pieces of woodwork scattered on surfaces, together with tools and other household objects. Kayla couldn't make out any photos that might indicate friends or family. He had obviously been a loner, and didn't keep very tidy.

"Dirtbag nest," Urtiga commented.

"This is basically my backwood place on Tyr," Zhang muttered. "If it hasn't burned down yet. Haven't been back in a while."

Urtiga chuckled softly. "Yeah, same."

On the wall by the shoe rack, the line of coats was interrupted by several empty pegs. There were also cupboards left open, containing a few pieces of camping and outdoor gear. Evidence that Owen had packed for a trip.

They continued through the house, checking all the rooms but not finding anything significant. Eventually, Christie uncovered a computer beneath a mess of papers, and got to work booting it up. While she did this, Kayla descended the stairs into the basement. It was mostly full of housekeeping gear, but in one corner there was a desk and a wall covered in maps. She whistled loudly.

"Check this out," she called, as Urtiga stuck her head through the basement door.

Pegged out on the wall was a hand-drawn map of the mountain range, including contour lines and peak heights. Owen had obviously been a very busy and thorough hiker. Kayla's eyes were drawn to the bright red squiggles tracing their way through the valleys and over ridges.

"This is where he was walking. These are his paths," she said, as excitement built up in her chest.

Urtiga nodded. "Looks like we struck paydirt."

When Zhang joined them and saw the maps, she punched the air. "That's exactly what we needed. His range was limited to a small group of peaks—the highest ones." She chuckled. "I guess he thought size mattered."

"Men," Urtiga scoffed.

"This significantly lowers our search area. We just have to confirm he was actually working with the Helvets," Zhang continued.

"Of course he was; it stands to reason," Kayla argued.

"Maybe, but coincidences are ubiquitous in nature, and you shouldn't make assumptions."

Kayla shrugged. "If you say so."

"Didn't they teach you the old Ranger saying?" Urtiga asked.


She grinned. "If you assume... you get shot in the face. But don't worry, I'm sure your friend will pull something up on the computer."

"This is going to take a while," Christie said, engrossed in the bright screen. "His file structure is as tangled as a jungle."

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