Part 73

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Captain Aguilar at the company command post, a short way back from the line of battle, remained in close communication with Elmira as she talked to the Shrike above them.

"We're getting too spread out, and if they try that sneak attack again, we're going to get into real trouble," Aguilar admitted in frustration.

"Falcon is winchester," Elmira replied, meaning that the fighter would soon be low on ammunition. "A few hundred rounds left on the gun—that's it."

"What's the round trip?" Aguilar asked, wanting to know how long the Shrike would need to reach the Banshee in orbit, dock, resupply weapons, and return down to them.

"Ten to fifteen mikes," came the curt reply.

Aguilar cursed the absence of the Banshee's big kinetic railguns over their heads and wondered how many Rangers she might have to lose to protect the organization's treasured secrecy. On the other hand, if she asked, the worst response she could receive would be a flat 'no', so she decided to radio the request to Smyrna anyway.

"Captain," Smyrna replied through the crackle of atmospheric interference, "we must not unveil ourselves to the attention of Caldera's satellites. Your charge is to hold those drones in place until Tiger signals their control of the tunnels. I believe this is unfolding as we had foreseen, and you have taken few wounded—request denied."

"Solid Copy, Banshee," Aguilar acknowledged bitterly.

"Persevere Ranger—out."

Aguilar swore as she switched the radio channel. "Raven, tell Falcon to get back upstairs ASAP. We seem to have a lull here—best to make use of it."

"I confirm I observe minimal activity from my position," Elmira said, and relayed the request.

The distant whine of jet engines began to fade from the valley. One of the senior medics squatted next to Aguilar, waiting patiently for a radio call she didn't want to receive.

She cleared her throat. "Wasn't this the situation you wanted to avoid in the first place?" she asked, sourly. "Rangers sat in limbo, waiting for someone else to get to the point?"

"Yeah, well, what do I know? I'm only in the infantry," Aguilar said glumly. "So, I guess now we wait."

Alone in the tunnels and overwhelmed with emotion, Kayla was trying desperately not to freak out. She couldn't raise anybody on her suit radio, and the Raiders still hadn't returned from whatever dimension they had been zapped into. She had cautiously approached the central part of the hallway, looking for some type of control panel, but found nothing. Then, conscious of how exposed she was, she backtracked to the previous corridors, looking for another way around.

As she poked at one of the barricades, looking for a weakness, she heard footsteps coming from the main hallway where the Raiders had disappeared. Working quickly, she shoved aside a piece of construction sheet, and managed to squeeze through the gap this created, pulling her rifle in behind her.

She lay there, hidden from view, as a squad of Helvet soldiers emerged, followed by a towering drone, and a thin, severe looking woman.

It had to be Rayker. Kayla felt her blood run hot as she watched the woman who was responsible for the death of her father, and so many of her fellow Calderans. Rayker's movements were somewhat awkward, like she didn't care to be graceful. Maybe she really was a Jotnar who had learned to look and act human?

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