Ch. 13 - H (Honesty)

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Summary: The team mission continues

Kokoro headed west with Fuwafuwa by her side. Even though they were on a time limit, she remained calm and walked through the village. Her first thought was to stick to the shadows and run to cover more ground, but that wasn't a skill she was great at yet. If anything, it would garner suspicion from the shinobi guarding the village. Her second thought was to just go all out and run around, but she got rid of that thought quickly. She wasn't liked in Kirigakure. Now that she had been a resident of the hidden village for months, she was tolerated. Most people didn't so much as glance at her anymore. Occasionally, someone muttered something under their breath or was outright nasty towards her, but it was much better than when she first arrived. Nevertheless, the villagers wouldn't take too kindly to her running around and ruining their day.

She buried her hand in Fuwafuwa's soft, white fur as people around them stared longer than she felt comfortable. It was the first time she had been out and about with one of her ninken. She didn't pay much attention to civilians, only scoping the area for her target. She heard a shout to her left and immediately went on alert. A little boy ran up to her and stared down at Fuwafuwa.

"This your dog?" he asked. He was curious and doubtful, and his tone left room for an interpretation of rudeness. Kokoro didn't necessarily think he was being rude on purpose, though. Having interacted with Kirigakurans, she was used to the brash attitudes.

"Obviously. What's it to you?" she asked.

"Why's he got that fancy collar?"

She glanced down at Fuwafuwa's ninken vest. It was important for ninken to wear a vest, or a hat, or a scarf, or something to show they were working and to show they belonged to someone specific. All of her ninken wore green vests with the Hatake clan symbol: a black, 3 by 3 square. The Hatake's were once known for their farmland and their ability to cultivate the land. When the Clan Wars broke out, before any hidden village was established, the Hatakes had to learn how to protect their land and survive. They had lost a lot of land, but gained skills they would perfect and master.

"He's a ninken, my summons. He's helping me on a mission right now."

"Didn't know dogs could be helpful mutts."

"Watch it," Fuwafuwa said. "This mutt can kick your ass."

Kokoro smirked at the gobsmacked look on the boy's face. Then, he closed his mouth and grinned. "You're pretty cool for a dog. Can I pet you?"

"Quickly," Fuwafuwa said. "We have a mission to complete."

The boy nodded his head and pet the samoyed on the head and hummed at the soft fur between his fingers. He patted Fuwafuwa on the head three times before he retracted his hand and addressed Kokoro. "My cousin says you suck, but I don't think that."

Kokoro raised an eyebrow at that, unsure of what to say.

The boy continued, "He's a chunin and thinks the Mizukage brought you here to be a traitor to Konohagakure. He doesn't like traitors and thinks anyone who can easily switch sides can't be trusted."

"I understand," Kokoro said sincerely. "I wouldn't trust someone who switches sides easily, either. But I didn't make my decision easily. I had to think about it, and even then I wasn't sure I was making the right decision. To be honest, I still have contact with my family in Konoha, and I wouldn't give away any major secrets. My mother was from here, and so was my cousin. It felt right to come and train here."

"Glad to know you're not a weasley rat," a man said as he walked up to the two of them. He was built slender with blond hair and green eyes. He was wearing the standard Kirigakure chunin uniform and his headband was strapped to his upper arm.

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