Ch. 14 - Wise Men Speak

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Summary: Kokoro talks to Erina and Enkai about moving in. Kokoro talks to the Mizukage about visiting Suna.

To say Enkai and Erina were stumped was an understatement. They had no idea what Kokoro was going on about. Seriously, how did she come up with the ideas she had? Who would blatantly ask two siblings who absolutely hated her guts not even a day ago to move in with her? It just wasn't something people did in Kirigakure. No one was just that nice to others without wanting something in return. That's what really left them dumbfounded. How could she want to do something just out of the goodness of her heart?

"What do you say?" Kokoro asked. She had yelled at Enkai until he finally told her they could talk the following day. Kokoro wanted to speak to both Erina and Enkai because it was a big decision to make. Plus, children in Kirigakure grew up way faster than children in Konoha. They had to be adults way before they were ready. It wasn't the best system, but if Kokoro was being honest with herself, it helped with developing the right mindset for a shinobi career. For those not going into a shinobi career - well - it wasn't the best system for them to live in. But whatever Kiri had going was, well, going, and some of it worked, so that's a plus!

"Are you crazy?" Erina asked genuinely.

"No?" Kokoro said uncertainly. "Do I sound crazy to you?"

"Yes," Erina said simply. "There's no way you don't want something out of this."

"I hate to admit it," Enkai started. He threw his hands in front of him at the look Kokoro shot his way. "Look, I know we're on better terms. I mean, seriously, you fight good, and I'm glad now that you're my teammate! But Erina has a point."

"What do you want?" Erina asked.

"I just want to help," Kokoro said plainly.

"That's not a good enough answer. Try again," Erina said.

"I want- I want," Kokoro said as she struggled to find an answer. Truthfully, all she wanted to do was help. When she saw Erina and Enkai being maliciously berated and hit for no reason other than their dad was mad made her think of those she already knew. She thought of Gaara, who struggled to make friends because his father experimented on him and caused the entire village to hate him, caused Gaara to hate everyone else, and caused Gaara to hate himself. She thought of Naruto, who was ostracized, discriminated against, and hated because of the nine tails residing inside of him. She thought of Sasuke, who was polarized because of a crime his brother committed and the kekkei genkai he held within his eyes. She thought of herself and the whispers and rumors that followed her everywhere she went. She struggled because they weren't looking for someone to have sympathy for them, or even empathy. They needed something familiar. So, Kokoro thought and thought and thought some more, before Erina eventually started walking away.

"Wait!" Kokoro shouted. Erina stopped walking and looked over her shoulder expectantly. "I want someone to help me clean my apartment!" she panicked. "And- and I want someone to cook me dinner!"

"Seriously?" Enkai asked. "That's the best you could come up with?"

"And someone to help me take my ninken on walks?" Kokoro said hesitatingly. When the siblings continued to stare at her with judgment, she sighed and said, "Look, when I moved here and everyone hated me, all I wanted was a friend. I was lucky that Junichiro was so trusting and nice, and I'm lucky the two of you aren't as mean to me as you once were, but I'm lonely. I get up in the morning, I train with the team, I go home, I do my chores, I make dinner, sometimes I write letters to people I miss, and then I go to sleep and repeat the process. Some days, I get to hang out with Junichiro, but he's not always available. On top of that, I'm still not trusted by the majority of the village, and I just feel so isolated and lonely. Is it so bad of me that I want to help out while having someone else in my apartment?"

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