2- Just Some Filler

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Once Sakura was safely home, escorted by a Naruto clone, Sasuke offered for Naruto to stay the night. After so many years of being a team, they weren't used to being alone anymore. All three of them had grown used to sleeping in the same room together, accustomed to each other. It was a damn shame Sakura had to go home. But the boys had no doubt she'd somehow be able to talk her way into moving in with the two of them.

Sasuke cleaned their trash from dinner while Naruto gathered Sakuras' hair from the sink. It was quick work for the two of them to slip into their nightly routine, slightly off-kilter while lacking their third. Sasuke lent the Uzumaki some of his old pajama pants. They took turns showering, relishing in the hot water. Once Naruto stepped out and got dressed, he crawled into bed beside Sasuke.

They all slept in the same room, and it wasn't uncommon for them to share a bed as well. Not only did it keep the nightmares at bay, but it offered a sense of security for all of them. Neither envied Sakura about having to sleep alone or about having to face her parents. They were sure she'd be able to eat another meal at home though, it would do her wonders to gain some weight.

"Sasuke, do you think we can make it work?" Naruto turned his head toward the Uchiha. He'd always been able to sleep best on his stomach while the other lay flat on his back.

"We better. I would rather not lose everyone I love again." Sasuke reached over to push a spike of hair out of Naruto's eyes. "We lost sensei and all of our friends last time. I almost lost you and Sakura as well. I'd rather not go through that pain ever again."

Naruto's smile was not affected by the pillow that was squishing his cheek. It only served to make his whisker scars more noticeable. "Don't worry Sasuke, I'll never let you feel that way ever again, believe it."

Sasuke's own smile was small but absolutely sincere. Leave it to his team to make him smile. It was almost an impossible feat for anyone else.

Soon, both boys had passed out. Time Travel wasn't an easy thing to pull off, and it had taken a lot out of them.

Sakura was cooped up in her room after eating her second dinner. Neither of her parents had noticed the new haircut. Naruto had done an excellent job.

She took a quick shower and got dressed before sitting on her window sill. She looked out onto the streets of Konoha. It was dark, and there were very few lights anywhere. She had a great view of the stars and a great view of the street that led straight to the gates of the Uchiha Compound. She wouldn't be able to sleep, not without her boys beside her.

Sakura grabbed a piece of paper left over from the Academy and wrote her parents a quick note explaining that she had early morning training and had to leave before they woke up. She grabbed a change of clothes, too. Not a bright red dress either. She has splurged with her allowance and bought actual ninja attire that morning.

Sakura pulled her hair up in a bun before hopping from her window and making her way towards her boys. The big Uchiha gate was easy to hop over with a bit of chakra to her feet to help boost her. She entered his house silently and made her way through the dusty rooms before she entered Sasuke's room.

Both Naruto and Sasuke were passed out together in the center of the bed. Sakura smiled at their hands clasped together between them. She crawled in behind Naruto and carefully wrapped her arms around his middle. Neither woke up as she settled herself in and set her hand on top of their conjoined ones. Now they'd all be able to sleep soundly.


Kakashi woke up at precisely five a.m. the following day. He wanted to get a feel for his new genin before he gave them the Bell Test. He would need to observe them apart before he could get a good reading on how well they might work together. The Academy records read that Naruto had a crush on Sakura and that the girl couldn't stand him. It also stated that Sakura, like every other girl in the Academy save for the Hyuuga Heiress, was madly in love with the Uchiha. Sasuke, reportedly, couldn't stand any of them.

Going Back in Time to Fuck With Kakashi and Save The World in The ProcessWhere stories live. Discover now