8- Meetings and Expectations

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Monday came sooner than they had anticipated, but Team Seven was no less excited. Naruto and Sakura had a pretty good guess on who was going to be teaching them, Sasuke wasn't too sure about who was going to be his Kenjutsu teacher but was ready for anything.

The three time-travelers were not sure how they were going to split their time between multiple instructors, but they had faith in Kakashi to figure it out.

Naruto turned their journey to the training ground into a race. Three blurs shot through the streets and across roofs of houses, shouting and laughing as they went. They would enjoy as much of their second chance as they could before they were strong enough to make a difference.

Kakashi was waiting with five other Jonins when they arrived at the training ground. Sakura threw her arms in the air as she won the race by the smallest of margins. "Suck it!"

Kakahsi sighed and lowered his head in embarrassment. Anko cackled from her place at Kurenai's side.

The Genin lined up in front of the Jonin once Sakura had calmed down. All three observed the people they were going to be working with.

Sakura looked at Guy and Kurenai with a smile on her face, she had always admired Guy after she got over his absolutely awful sense of style. It's as if her first impression never happened.

Sasuke observed Anko and Hayate. He barely remembered the sword wielder because the last time Sasuke saw him, he was in excruciating pain from Orochimaru's cursed seal.

Naruto looked Genma up and down. He didn't doubt his Fuinjutsu Sensei would be Jiraiya, there was nobody as talented as the Toad Sage still alive. Naruto was glad he wasn't there. He didn't think he'd be able to handle seeing the old pervert again just yet.

Kakashi watched his students take in the people he had picked for each of them.

"Naruto, I haven't sent the person I want you to learn Fuinjutsu from yet. I'll get to that soon." The teen smiled at the Hatake.

"That's fine. Fuinjutsu is very hard to learn, not to mention time-consuming. I don't have to start on it immediately, it would take up all my time!" the Sensei nodded and began explaining what was in store for the day.

"I was thinking about how to split you all up so you would be able to get the optimal amount of training with everything." He began. "One individual training day you will spend with one of your instructors, and you will alternate every Monday and Thursday."

The Genin and Jonin nodded, " If someone is sent on a mission, you will work around it and train with the other. I tried to make this schedule as flexible as possible. Kakashi took a breath. "As for your Ninjutsu and Medical Training, respectively; we will spend time working on them during team training days. Sakura, I'll be getting you books to read and study while I help the boys with their Ninjutsu." Sakura nodded. It sounded acceptable to her.

"That will last for half of the day. Well will break for lunch and then work on team training for the rest of the day."

Kakashi looked each of his students in the eye, making sure they understood and agreed. "As for today: you will sit down with your assigned Jonin and get to know one another and discuss what you expect to learn under their tutelage."

"Naruto." Kakashi began, "You will be learning proper stealth protocols and the art of trapping with Genma." Genma nodded at the blonde, chewing on the Senbon in his mouth.

"Sasuke. You will be learning Kenjutsu with Hayate," The sickly man waved at the Uchiha, "and poisons with Anko." The purple-haired woman smiled wickedly at Sasuke. He returned it with one of his own.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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