Mold Bush

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3rd person pov

Teagan was laying on the couch in a hoodie and sweatpants as she was texting Beck and Jade, everyone knew she was in a relationship, no one but Trina, her mom, and dad knew who, and everyone at school

"Lets see. The bread mold" Tori said placing her binder down

"Bread mold"

"Fury" she said examining the bush mold further

"Fury" he copied typing on his laptop

"Mushy" she said touching it

"Mushy" he replied tying on his laptop once more

"Next, the fish mold" Tori clapped her hands as Teagan was tying not to throw up at the smell

"Fish mold" he copied once more, typing on his laptop again

"You couldn't of done this outside? It smells horrible" Teagan said sitting up, as she grabbed the candle on the table and smelled it

"True, add stinky" Tori nodded smelling it, they looked over at the front door bursted open and in came the last Vega sister

"I am so upset!" she said slamming the door as she placed her bag and keys on the chair

"You wont believe who i got partnered with for the big showcase"

"Who?" the twins asked at the same time

"Andrew Harris, A tenth grader!"

"You mean Andre?" Teagan asked as Trina waved her off

"What's the big show case?" Tori's partner asked

"It's a performance they put on at her school every year where-" Tori tried to explain, but Trina cut her off

"They invite agents-" she spoke grabbing his hand and standing him up "-and directions and producers and other super-powerful people in show business-" she said dragging him to the front door "-and it is extremely important to me which is why i am very upset and goodbye!" she said opening the front door, letting him out and shutting it in his face

"hey! He and I have a science project due tomorrow" Tori said walking over to Trina

"She has to turn in her stanky ass mold bush" Teagan added

"No- Andrew-"

"-Andre!" Teagan spoke going to the kitchen

"- is coming over and i need you two to help us figure out what we're gonna do in the big showcase. I definitely wanna sing" she smiled playing the piano horribly

"Nyaaaah!" she sung off key as the twins looked at each other

"How was that?" Trina asked looking at the two, as Teagan walked over to the piano


"Obnoxious? Annoying? Horrible?"

"Awesome! Tori's, not yours Teagan" Trina said pointing at the older twin who rolled her eyes, as the door bell went off

"Ugh, he's here." Trina sighed going to answer the door, Tori went to follow her as Trina stopped her "Stay"

"Come in" she said opening the door as Andre walked in

"Thanks. Hey Teag" Andre smiled looking at the shorter girl who waved

"Hey, Andre"

"Tori, that's Andrew"

"Andre" Andre and Teagan corrected her once more


"You go to Hollywood Arts, too?" he asked coming over to the piano

"Oh, no, im not a performer. Just Trina and Teagan"

"Yup" Trina smiled putting her arm around Tori "We got the talent and she got the strong teeth" Trina added grabbing Tori's face

"Yeah, she's never had one cavity" Teagan added as Andre smiled at her

"I try not to brag about it"

"Oh, nice piano" Andre spoke going over and sitting at the seat before playing the piano

"Oh my God, you're fantastic, but not better than Teagan. If she thinks i think someone is better than her she'll murder me" Tori nodded whispering the last part to Andre

"He's okay" Trina said rolling her eyes "Teagan is better" she added as Teagan shrugged

"Yeah, cause mom and dad have been making me take lessons since i would play"

Andre began to smell around confused, he grabbed Tori's hand looking at her confused "Fish mold" The twins spoke at the same time as he dropped her hand throwing his up

If i have to go one more day listening to Trina sound like a dying cat im gonna go crazy

Feeling: Annoyed

BeckOliver ~ Sorry, my love

JadeWest ~ You can always come to mine, Amor

AndreHarris ~ I hear ya, Teag, i hear ya

"No, Grandma, listen, there's no way you can drown at my school" Andre sighed as Teagan was laughing at him

"Look, i gotta-- I gotta, come on, Teagan will be there. ill call you later!" Andre yelled before hanging up

"Your grandmothers coming to the big showcase?" Tori asked handing Teagan her drink

"Yeah, its gonna be the first time she's left the house in six years"

"Why?" Tori asked confused as Teagan shook her head drinking her lemonade

"'Cause the woman's afraid of everything: People, umbrellas, rabbis, bikinis, breakfast foods.." Andre explained

"So if she saw a rabbi.."

"in a bikini.."

"eating pancakes.."

"The woman would burst into flames. Also, dont do that, its scary" Andre said as the twins shrugged

"You guys, come on!" Trina yelled as the three groaned

Beck to rehearsal!" Tori sighed

"Lets go" Andre spoke drinking his drink

"Lets pray i dont choke her again" Teagan added smiling

"So? What do you think?" Trina asked smiling as the three walked inside she was wearing a blue and white prom dress, a tiara in her hair along with black high heel boots "Fabulous, right?" she added

"You really need to wear that, just to rehearse?" Tori asked a little confused at her sister

"I preformed needs to feel the part to be the part" Trina spoke bopping her nose every now and then

"I thought we talked about you not tapping my nose anymore" Tori complained looking at her as Trina waved her off

"Okay, we got the comedy stuff down, so lets start with the song" Trina smiled looking at Andre

"And by "your song" I'm guessin' you mean that song i wrote with Teagan's help?" Andre asked as they both looked at her

"No one cares who wrote the song. Now- take it from "when i make it shine." Trina nodded as Andre and Teagan began to play the piano for her

"When i make it shine" she sung carrying on the "ne", she finished before looking over at the three "Well?"

"Do you guys have aspirin?" Andre sighed looking at Tori who grabbed a bottle dumping some in her hand and passing it to the two

"Im gonna need the whole bottle" Teagan sighed as Tori nodded handing her the bottle

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