Big Show Case

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3rd person pov

Teagan sat with Tori and their parents in the audience as they were at the big showcase, Teagan didnt have to go on until Trina did so she could play the piano with Andre

"Oh, hi. You're Andre's grandmother?" Tori asked turning to his grandma at her scared

"I dont know you!" she yelled before ducking behind the seats catching the attention of the people sitting around them

"You know she's a scared old lady, Tor" Teagan teased lookin gat her sister who smiled, we turned back around to finish watching the dude's performance, when all the sudden everyone looking around confused hearing muffled like screaming

I looked over as i noticed Lane rushing over to us, "Excuse me, you're Trina's parents?" he asked as they looked to him and nodded



"Please come with me" Lane spoke getting up smiling at Teagan, before they all stood up and followed him

"Mah tong!" We heard Trina mumbled screaming once they walked back stage

"There she is!" Lane spoke turning back to my parents as all of our eyes widened seeing Trina's tongue huge.


"Oh, my God"

"What happened?"

"Un thins ong ith ah unh!" she yelled looking between everyone

"Oh, my God, its huge!" Tori yelled looking at her sister

"Umbah-eww oo thunpthin!" Trina mumble yelled once more

"Does anybody know how this happened?" The nurse asked looking between her family

"The Chinese her gargle!" Teagan spoke hitting Tori who nodded as Trina pointed at her in agreement

"Eth! Eth!"

"Wait, what are you talking about?" The nurse asked turning towards Teagan

"Uh, she found some website that shows you how to make this special Chinese her gargle that's supposed to help you sing better" Teagan explained in one breath

"Well, she must of had an allergic reaction to it" The nurse spoke as Trina grabbed onto her tongue

"Ah outh eels oooge!" she cried turning to her mom

"Will she be okay?"

"Well, he tongue is obviously engorged and-" she cut her self off as he grabbed onto Trina's tongue "- oh, and its throbbing erratically" she spoke as he eyes widened

"Throbbing erratically?!"

"Ih ithz obbin awaddakwee!" Trina spoke grabbing onto her tongue

"Any way she'll be able to preform today?" Lane asked looking at the nurse who immediately shook her head

"Of course not" she denied right away

"Eth ah an! I thwea da od ah an!" she spoke grabbing onto the nurse

"Stop talking! Your tongue could burst!" the nurse yelled as Trina let go of her scared as she squealed

"Im sorry, sweetie" Holly sighed looking at her daughter

"Next year" her dad spoke up smiling at her

"Im gonna take her over there and massage her tongue" the nurse spoke calmly as she grabbed her bag and Trina's arm

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