I wish I recorded that

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Teagan pov

Dressed in a denim mini skirt, a black top, a cropped Leatherman jacket and black heeled boots i sat next to Jade in Sikowitz's class

Beck, Andre, Robbie and Rex were on stage, "Ready? Drive by acting exercise. You're all angry Englishmen. Go" Sikowitz said as everyone stood up

"Oh, i insist you tell me who sat on my crumpet!"

"My grandmummy went to the loo while i snogged the Prime Minister!"

"This flock of whip-poor-wills is bothering my trousers!"

"Good heavens, there's a dead cockroach in my brassier!"


"Well, i told you not to put plum sauce on me banger!" everyone began to speak at once

"All right, all right" Sikowitz said loudly walking back on the stage as Tori walked into the room

"Very good! Quiet down! Now that we're all loosey and/ or goosey, the time has come for out newest student to tackle... "The Bird Scene" he said as Tori smiled going on the stage

"Tori, the stage if yours, though you cant take it home" he said going to the back of the classroom

"Um, can i ask a quick question before i start?" Tori asked making Jade groan.

"Just do your best. Action!" he said sitting down

"It was 1934 when my husband left me. Alone, living on the prairie was a dearie existence. No telephone, no radio. only a large, majestic bird, with whom i shared my feelings' with. one day when i was feeling low i said to him 'oh bird you can fly you can soar miles from this lonely place, yet you stay why'. And apparently my question rang true, for that afternoon the bird left and so went my spirit" Tori said looking down, then back up at us seeing how it was so quite.

"how was that" She asked looking around.

"What do you mean"

"Did i do the scene right"

"Oh. no, not at all"

"Okay, then what did i do wrong"

"You'll have to perform the scene again tomorrow, and get it right, or else you cannot be in Andre's play or any others" he said making tori groan, earing a laughed from me, i love her, but she tried to kiss my boyfriend

I forgave her, just wanna annoy her

"But can you tell me what i did wrong?" she asked sitting down

"No, i cant"

"I dont get any feedback?"

"That is correct"


"Drive-by acting exercise. You're all terrified dolphins. Go!"

We walked out of class with me, Beck and Jade walking hand in hand, Tori was behind us groaning and moaning about the bird scene.

"Oh, come on how am i supposed to do this scene right, if no one will tell me what i did wrong. I thought you guys were my friends" Tori said making everyone turn around looking at her.

"we aren't your friend" Jade said as me, her, and Beck walked over to the vending machine

"I was hoping we could be more than friends" Rex said looking at Tori

"Uh, it's so gross he's always hitting on girls" Cat scoffed, "I never hit on you" Rex said looking at her, "What's that supposed to mean!"

"you guys... My problem" Tori sighed, "Tori, come on, we cant and you know that" i spoke up as we walked over to her

"Number one rule of the bird scene, no ones allowed to help you".

"So this is what you did with your locker" Jade asked looking at the whiteboard on Tori's locker, as i shook my head patting her arm

"Yeah, see its dry erase with a bunch of colorful pens in a convenient cup. So whoever wants to can draw or white what they want" She said looking at everyone

"But you're supposed to decorate it yourself" Beck said putting his arm around my waist

"Its a Hollywood arts tradition" Cat added

"Well. What's wrong with letting other people be expressive on my locker" Tori said as Jade smirked writing "Dumb stupud" better "Tori's locker"

"Well for one thing they can do that" Robbie said pointing at what Jade wrote now saying 'Tori's dumb stupid locker'

"yeah well my lockers smarter than your guy's locker" Tori yelled as Jade, Beck and I began to walk away

"So you ready?" Beck asked Tori as we walked into Sikowitz class, i was dressed in a black skirt, a black laced long sleeve shirt and black heeled boots

"Oh, I'm way past ready, Sikowitz wants 'the bird scene' I'm gonna give him 'the bird scene', I got props, i got a backdrop and just to kiss up a little, i even got Sikowitz two large coconuts" she said grabbing two coconuts out of her bag.

"Those are good ones" Beck nodded as him and Jade went to sit, "What's the deal with Sikowitz and coconuts?" Robbie asked looking between Tori and I

" He says the milk gives him visions" I said before going and sitting between Beck and Jade

"All right rehar-" he said walking into the class then moving around weirdly and turning a lot "We have much to do today but first Tori 'the bird scene'"

"I'm ready. Before i begin, id like you to have these two large coconuts" she said going and giving him the coconut's.

"Wonderful, you know, their milk gives me visions" he said looking at her

"I've heard" She smiled

"very good, everyone pay attention" he said taking the coconuts and sitting in the back., "Tori?

"One second" she said going onto the stage and pulling down a backdrop, "Ooh. A backdrop"

"And i am ready" she said putting some glasses on and facing the front

"Delightful and action" he said before drinking one of the coconuts she gave him

"It was 1934 when my husband left me. Alone, living on the prairie was a dearie existence. No telephone, no radio" She walked over to the pencil sharpener rolling it when a bird on a string came down.

" -only a large, majestic bird, with whom i shared my feelings' with. one day when i was feeling low i said to him 'oh bird you can fly you can soar miles from this lonely place, yet you stay why'. And apparently my question rang true, for that afternoon the bird left and so went my spirit" she spoke throwing the fake bird out of the window as i smiled a little, Jade rolling her eyes

Tori looked around smiling "So, was that good?" she said making me groan a little knowing she was gonna do it again and was gonna try harder

"Exactly what are you asking me" Sikowitz said looking at her.

"You know, did you like what i did with the scene?"

"Sure" he shurgged

"So did i get it right?" she asked as he shook his head, "Oh, no. You failed ....again"

"What? Why? I did everything--" she was cut off by the the garden keeper holding the bird he looked into the window

"hey, watch were you throw your props" he said before throwing the bird at Tori, who hurriedly ducked as i looked at the two mouth agape and wide eyed.

"I wish i recorded that" I said letting out a breath

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