My back!

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Teagan pov

I was walking to Sikowitz's classed dressed in a blue top that tied in the back, a denim skirt with blue and white Nike's

"Why are you guys walking like that?" I asked looking at Robbie and Andre confused, "Dont wanna talk about it" Andre groaned wobbling a little

"They're in ballet, did a dance and then ran at eachohter, kneeing one another in the groin" Rex explained shortly before laughing

I opened the door for the two as they wobbled in saying "Ow" the whole time

"Happy birthday!" Sikowitz smiled coming into the class, "Who's birthday is it?" Cat asked looking at him

"Somebody's, somewhere" he said as i placed my legs on my becks lap laying my head on Jade's lap, Beck had his hand on my thigh as Jade was playing with my hair

"That's so true!" Cat said sitting

"Where is tori" Sikowitz asked as he walked on the stage "here" she said peaking her head through the curtains she had set up

He jumped before looking at her "Oh! Ha ha! You brought curtains" he pointed at them

"Let's do this" she said shutting the curtains

"Very good. Ladies and gentleman, once again with 'the bird scene', starring Tori-"

She stuck her head out once more "Vega" her and I said at the same time

"Vega" he repeated, clapping as he sat down grabbing a coconut

She opened the curtains, the backdrop was the same as yesterday, she was playing prairie music from her iPod, she had on a purple top, and dark pink long skirt

"It was 1934 when my husband left me. Alone, living on the prairie was a dearie existence. No telephone, no radio, only a large, majestic bird, with whom i shared my feelings'" She said in an accent, a bird flew into the window when she whistled

Sikowiyz slowly leaned closer to us, "You see the bird, too, right?" he asked as we nodded


"Fantastic" he said leaning back

"One day, when i was feeling low, i said to him, 'Oh, bird. You can fly you can soar miles from this lonely place, yet you stay why'" she said before nodding her head towards the window, the bird flying out of it

"And apparently my question rang true, for that afternoon the bird left and so went my spirit" Tori finished looking down, then back up at us seeing how it was so quite.

"That was impressive" Sikowitz nodded standing up

"So did i get it right?" she asked smiling

"Nope" he said making her smile drop

"What, but i just- I I, I did, too, get it right" she stuttered

"Tori listen-" Sikowitz began to say when Tori cut him off

"I'm not tryin got be disrespectful. But do you know how hard i worked on this scene, i made this costume. I downloaded special prairie music, i even trained a cray cockatoo to fly in and out of that window on command!" She said as the bid flew back in, she looked at it "Not now!" She yelled making it fly back out.

"Look, I know you're a great acting teacher and everything but i don't care what you say, the scene i did was good, and I'm proud of myself no matter what anybody thinks" she said crossing her arms over her chest

Sikowitz started clapping making everyone else clap, "What" she asked confused looking around at everyone

"You just passed 'The Bird Scene!" he said we all all clapped for her once more

"But you said-"

"Tori, the whole point of the bird scene is to teach a performer like yourself, to believe in your own choices no matter what others think, we are artist and a true artist does not define success, based on oh, hee, hee approval from others a true artist need only please himself... or herself... or itself" he explained walking closer to her then looking at Rex

"You dont know what i got" Rex said as we all looked at him confused

"So all three times i did the scene-"

"We're delightful. It was only wrong when you asked if it was right" he said before clapping his hands

"Drive by acting exercise, you're all elderly people walking barefoot on broken glass" he added as we all stood up

"Ow, ow"

"I cant hear you"

"Ow, my feet hurt so bad"

"It hurt so bad"

"My back"

Teagan Vega:
Nvm, ill keep her... i guess

Mood: okay

Later the same day we all stood around Tori's locker, besides Andre, Rex and Robbie

"You guys ready?" she asked excitedly



"Uh-huh" we all said at once

She closed the locker it read "Make it shine"

"Make what shine" Trina asked confused

"Its the title of the song i sang in the big showcase"



"I don't care"

"Whatever" we all said at the same time once more

"Cause, you know, that's what got me here in the first place" she explained a little

"I dont like it" Jade spoke first

"Maybe the words should be bigger"

"Ah, ah, ah, I believe in my won choice, and i don't need approval from others".

"Ah, the young female has learned the ways of "the bird scene" Beck commented

"I still think its dull" Jade said sipping her coffee, Tori pushed a button making it light up.


"Very nice!"

"Okay, are we going to eat or not?" I asked looking at everyone, "Im hungry" I added groaning

"You coming?" Beck asked looking at Tori who nodded, "Sure" she smiled as Jade glared at the two

"Come on!" I smiled grabbing Beck and Jade's hand, as Beck leaned down and kissing me and then Jade

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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