Broken Part 5

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Your eyes widened as you heard the words leaving his mouth.

You haven't seen Ghost since you confessed your mistake four months ago. For months that just made it feel impossible to get to him ever again with each day passing by.

How do you even regain someone's trust who's known for being distanced and closed off?

How do you regain someone's trust who's constantly trying his best to stay out of your way?

„Price..." You started, almost whispering, but got cut off by his words.

„I know." Two harsh sounding words to interrupt you. „He's been avoiding you, he knows everything you do. He's two steps ahead of you."

Price got off of his chair and walked around the desk, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

His eyes mustered you, like he was trying to find that truth lying behind your words. He must've found something in your eyes, allowing him to let those walls he built up just for you crumble a little as his hand found your shoulder.

The warmth made its way through your shirt and didn't stop at your skin, finding its way to your soul to ease the ache you've felt for so long.

A glimpse of hope.

„I know you've been suffering the last five months. And I don't know why but something about you..." he stopped before he could suggest something that might've sounded... inappropriate.

His eyes left yours as quickly as his hand on your shoulder, with feet carrying him behind his desk again.

„Gain his trust." he just simply added, his voice back to its distanced tone as dismissed you with a nod towards the door.

A rush of emotions flooded your body as Price spoke those words. You knew what you needed to do, yet you knew that it wouldn't be easy.

Ghost was a difficult man to get to, and that was putting it lightly. He would make sure that it would be hard to even break through his facade, let alone regain his trust.

Broken // Simon "Ghost" Riley x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant