Broken Part 6

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You tried to swallow, but your mouth was way to dry for it to have any effect. You could feel the lump in your throat slowly feeling like a knot tying around your throat as breathing got slightly harder.

Three sentences. Ten words. That's all he gave you before he treated you with another two weeks of silence. Your words changed nothing, if anything, they only made things worse. He still avoided you, maybe tried it even harder now.

You didn't search for him a second time, thinking that more words would only add to his aversion against you. But that was only until you heard that he was going on yet another mission.

Without you.

Your mind started to play tricks on you. Thoughts about what could've been if you didn't hook up with Huel.

Eyes lingering on you for far to long as you talked to other men, just chatting and having a nice conversation while he observed everyone in the room.

Memories of days you trained together, his hands on your waist to fix your stance. To help you improve yourself. Fingertips pressing into your skin. Just to make sure you remembered how to stand properly, of course.

A soft fabric brushing against your cheek and arms wrapping around you as his hands found yours, lifting your gun and guiding you to improve your aim, because it seemed like you were the only one his words woulnd't be enough for you to understand what he was trying to teach you.

Body shielding you as you moved through the gunfire, trying to get to the extraction point, because he wanted his team to get out safe.


Your feet carried you towards his office, as you heard that he'd been seen there just a couple of minutes ago. You didn't know why, but you wanted to see him. You needed to.

The office sounded quiet from outside, yet your knuckles met the wooden door three times before you waited.

Your heart pounded in your chest at the speed of light. Sweat started dripping down your forehead, yet another sign of your inner turmoil. You knew that this could be the final blow, that your words may not break through the barrier of anger and resentment that Ghost had put in place but only fuel it more.

Broken // Simon "Ghost" Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now