Broken Part 8

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Nightmares are a cruel thing.

Especially when they wake you up, struggling to realize if it was a glimpse of your hidden fears or just a bad memory of your past. But the worst ones are the ones that won't let you wake up.

The ones that hold you in your vulnerable state of unconsciousness while your mind is fighting a battle against its own. Oblivious to the fact that no one can win this battle.

Facing the darkest parts this world holds within, some might think that you'll get used to them one day. That you won't get dragged into even darker places, where your mind is trapped whilst your body remains still.

Unable to move.

Unable to escape.

But with every night, when those vivid dreams crept in your mind, stealing those few peaceful moments from your life, you'd be one to tell that it won't get easier.

You just learn how to cope.

A knock wasn't necessary as the door got kicked open with a heavy boot, breaking the lock out of its place. The loud noise making you lift your head from the paperwork you had spread out in front of you on your desk.

A 6'4" shadow of what looks like a man taking strong steps towards you, lifting the gun in his hand against you as he stopped right on the other side of your desk. The cold barrel touching your forehead as the owners hand started to tremble.

Eyes moving away as the finger curled around the trigger.

The impact jolting your body up from your bed instead of down in your chair.

Breathing exercises as soon as your eyes made you realize that you're surrounded by the protective walls of your own quarters. Soft music caressing your ears, remembering days of sunshine and blooming meadows.

Your favorite flowers growing in the backyard of an old house, chatter and laughter coming from the inside as you sit on your heels and take a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of beauty that you managed to grow between weeds and dirt.

Broken // Simon "Ghost" Riley x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon