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A/N: Anonymous request from Tumblr :)


By the time that Branch had gotten his drink at the bar - a concoction his older brother called the Tropical Refresh, composed of a variety of fresh, fruity juices - and walked over to the backstage area of the karaoke stage to find Poppy, he could already hear the bouts of giggling coming from his girlfriend. Branch had come across this type of situation a few times already, and he didn't need to ask what had gotten her in such a lighthearted mood.

"Don't you ever get tired of looking at that?" he asked, gesturing at the clue board that she was unashamedly ogling over.

"Nope!" Poppy chirped. "How can you ever get tired of looking at this cutie-patootie face, huh?" She reached into her pocket and showed him a little wallet-size photograph of him in his signature perm.

Branch gasped. "Hey! Who gave you that?"

"I did!" The blue Troll turned to find John Dory approaching them, looking quite proud of himself. "Don't worry bro, I got copies for you, too!" he said, pulling out three more from his dark, aquamarine hair.

Branch groaned. "Seriously?"

"What do you mean 'seriously'? What's so embarrassing about a baby photo? You totally rocked the look!" JD asked, confused. Then he chuckled, nudging Branch with his elbow and speaking hushedly so Poppy couldn't hear. "At least I didn't show her the other box, right?"

But Poppy had heard him. She perked up and faced John Dory with curiosity. "What other box?"

JD beamed at her. "Ohoho, girl, if you like these photos, just wait till you see what I got in store for you." Whistling Rhonda over, he entered his caterbus and pulled out a heavy-looking trunk. He struggled dragging it out for a moment, and then gave a short cry.

"Ouch! There goes my back," he whined with a grimace, having strained himself too hard and rubbing the affected area. But the smile returned to his face a moment later. "Feast your eyes on le pièce de résistance, Poppy Seed!" he declared grandly, and then opened the trunk with a dramatic flair.

For a second light almost seemed to emit from the trunk, like it had been filled with glittering gold. When Poppy managed to focus in and see what it actually was, well, it was as good as gold to her.

"EEEE! Oh my GOSH!!" She grabbed Branch's arm and leapt up and down with tears of joy while her boyfriend grumbled in dismay. "This is the best day of my life!"

"OOooo, really! Why's that?" It had been Viva who'd spoken, neither one of them having heard her approaching with all the commotion Poppy was making. She noticed the trunk and grinned. "Is there a lifetime supply of candy in there? I know that would be the best day of my life!"

"Even better!" Poppy cried, stepping aside so her sister could see. Viva tucked her hands under her chin and gushed.

"Awwww.... That's so sweet!"

Suddenly Poppy whirled on John Dory, grabbing him by the vest and shaking him hard. "John Dory! And just how long were you going to wait before you told me about this?!?!"

"You gotta ask to receive!" JD answered simply.

"Well, I guess," Poppy grumbled, "Okay, but no more dillydallying, you have GOT to spill everything to me about these!"

But to her surprise, John Dory shook his head. "No can do, Miss Poppy..."

The Pop Queen's jaw dropped. "WHAT?"

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