Birthday Boy

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A/N: Taking place before TBT
“Birthday boy, birthday boy, everybody better make way to-day for the birthday boy!”

John Dory belted out the tune that he’d made up right there on the fly, holding up his youngest brother in his arms and swinging him playfully. Baby Branch giggled and clapped, enjoying the little ride he was getting before he was set down in his high chair at the table. Today was a special day, because the youngest little Trolling of BroZone was having his birthday! And not just any birthday – his very first!

A Troll’s birthday was an incredibly special thing – next to all the other holidays and festivities that were common – and his was no exception. Some folks threw extravagant parties, with lots of lights and glitter as well as plenty of singing and dancing, not to mention all the friends who would be invited. But Branch’s party was not quite as huge as one may think. Despite the baby belonging to what would surely end up becoming the hottest boy band of the century, there was no huge party with dozens upon dozens of their fans in the crowd. As was custom between them, they always reserved the very first birthday of any of them to a simple family affair. John Dory, Spruce, Clay, and Floyd had all remained within their pod, decorating the interior with streamers, balloons, and confetti, while Grandma Rosiepuff was in the kitchen baking all kinds of sweets for them to have.

Spruce hummed his own little tune as he worked, a romantic ballad that he was aiming to perfect for the next time he went onstage. He tried working dutifully, though he couldn’t help it when he had to pause to practice a suave smirk or an eyebrow waggle. Clay, on the other hand, was unable to keep still. He had a bounce in his step as he moved across the room, busting out a dance move when he could, the streamers flying out behind him. He noted Floyd on the other side of the room, looking indecisive as to what color balloon to blow up next, blue in his left hand and green on his right. With a glint of mischief sparkling in his eye, Clay grabbed a handful of confetti and flung it at his younger brother. He laughed as it smacked Floyd right in the cheek in a burst of color, startling the young Trolling. He gasped and dropped the airless balloons right on the floor.

The yellow-haired Trolling burst out laughing. “One, two, three, four, I declare confetti war!” he cried out, grabbing some more of the colorful little paper strips and flinging them at Floyd. Floyd huffed as it landed comically all over his hair and vest this time, and he grabbed some of the confetti to fling back at Clay.

His aim was a little off, however, and the confetti instead hurled right at Spruce instead, who had been in the middle of practicing a very charming smile. He was smacked right between the eyes, the purple-haired Trolling stumbling back in surprise. “What the - ?!” he exclaimed, and then realized who had thrown it at him. He smirked. “Oh yeah? Well, two can play at that game!”

Floyd gulped, squeaked an “Uh-oh!” when he saw Spruce lean his arm back and prepare to throw another big handful of confetti at him, and promptly hit the floor, ducking just in time. The confetti instead splashed colorfully on JD’s back.

“Hey!” he grumbled, whirling around. “You’re supposed to be decorating the room, not me!”


Another burst of confetti hit him, while Clay – clearly the culprit - giggled. “On the contrary, JD, I think it looks great on you!” he teased.

“Really?” JD said, snickering as he grabbed a handful of lime-colored confetti and flung it Clay. “I gotta admit, green kind of does suit you!”

“Yeah, right!” he laughed, grabbing more confetti and flinging it. Shrieks and colors filled the room, the lighthearted fight escalating to a playful squabble. From his high chair, Branch clapped his hands at the show that his brothers were putting on, thoroughly enjoying it. It was a contrary reaction from another Troll who entered the room.

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