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A/N: Taking place before TBT


Rosiepuff's voice may have been a little worn from age given that she was a grandmother, but even if it was, it was hardly noticed by her grandsons.

To them, it was still sweet and melodic as they may have figured it was in the Troll's younger days, and it worked perfectly well to lull all five of them to sleep. In nearly a hushed whisper, she finished the last notes of the song that she'd been crooning at that very moment in the dark of their room.

"We won't give up until we,

Drink from the silver cup,

And ride that highway in the sky..."

The song was a little melancholic, but its lyrics provided hope for whatever troubles life ever brought. Rosiepuff let the note hang for a second and watched with fond amusement the effect it had on her boys. John Dory let out a happy sigh and better adjusted his sleeping mask, while Spruce snuggled tighter against her. Clay, even comical in sleep, let out a rather loud snore, already far gone. Floyd yawned, visibly relaxing. And Baby Branch, the youngest of them, slowed the rhythm of his thumb-sucking until he stopped, fully asleep.

She suddenly felt a wave of protectiveness wash over her. Goodness, she loved these boys. A little too much, she felt sometimes. Rosiepuff could still see some crumbs at the corner of Floyd's lips from the cookies and other sweets that he and his brothers had eaten before going to bed, and knew that its sugar high had been the reason it had taken not one or two, but three songs to finally get them all to go to sleep tonight. She chuckled in spite of herself and used her thumb to gently wipe off the crumbs, grazing over the magenta-haired Trolling's cheek. Five boys could be a handful, she had to admit, but it was a handful that she was more than willing to love and care for.


The sound of a drowsy little voice startled her for a second. She had assumed that they were all asleep, but she was wrong. Looking up at her through sleepy half-lidded eyes was Floyd. "Can you sing one" – he paused to let out a yawn and then continued – "more song, please?"

Rosiepuff smiled at him, almost wanting to give in, but she shook her head. "It's late, sweetheart. Tomorrow I'll sing you lots of songs, okay? But today, you need to go to sleep."

Floyd pouted a second but then relented. "Well, okay, Grandma." Then, more shyly, he added, "I love you."

Rosiepuff felt her heart swell. She leaned over and pecked his forehead. "I love you too, Floyd."

Blushing and happy, Floyd snuggled down again and promptly fell asleep. Rosiepuff grinned. All five of her grandsons were finally asleep. Now, she could go get some sleep herself.

But, as she went to get up from the couch, she found herself in a bit of a predicament. How was she going to get up? John Dory and Spruce were snuggled tightly at her legs. Clay was on her right arm, Floyd on her left. And Baby Branch was right on her lap. She certainly didn't want to wake them up again – not after all the trouble she went through in the first place to get them to fall asleep!

So, Rosiepuff shrugged, shutting her eyes and hugging the five closer. This little arrangement wasn't so bad, after all.

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