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A/N: A look into Branch's thoughts during the Broppy kiss as requested by happyqueenandgrumpydork on Tumblr :)


It was only after handcuffs had been snapped on Velvet and Veneer's wrists and guards had taken them away that Branch breathed a true sigh of relief. The phony pop duo were finally under custody, serving the time for the wrongs they had done and, hopefully, learning something valuable from it. To top it off, he had reunited with all of his brothers, was able to save Floyd from having his fate sealed, and had a good feeling that the future ahead was going to be a great one!

As the Mount Rageons cheered for the justice of it all, Poppy turned to him with a grin. "So," she asked, a hint of slyness in her tone, "how are you feeling?"

Branch smiled back at her. It was back to the topic that had come at the very start of the journey, even before John Dory had literally jumped right back into his life. At the time, he hadn't felt confident enough to talk to her about these kinds of things. But now, that was a different story.

"Happy," he replied honestly, "Grateful. Proud. A little nervous... and sorry that it's taken me this long to open up to you." Branch peered at her, attentive to her reaction.

Poppy put her hands up as if overwhelmed. "Who! TMI! Boundaries, my man! That is a lot of feelings," she said teasingly.

He rolled his eyes in a fond sort of manner, laughing alongside her. But, just as he began to think of the many reasons why his girlfriend was wonderful, she gave him the first of those answers herself.

Before Branch could register what was happening, Poppy had grabbed him by the vest, tugged him towards her face, and planted her lips against his in a great, big kiss!

The blue Troll slipped his eyes closed and savored every second of that kiss. Of all the emotion it stirred within. Of all palpitations his heart made as it raced. Of all the joyous tingles spreading throughout his entire body like an electric shock. Of all the wonderful sensations flooding his heart and soul. If he was having feelings before, they were multiplied tenfold. He could hear the cheers and applause from everybody around them - Mount Rageons, their family, their friends... heck, even Rhonda's distinctive, rumbling trill! All of it added on to the sheer excitement of the moment.

Her fuchsia eyes were dilated and sparkling when they finally broke it off, cheeks a little pinker than usual with the blush in them and her lips upturning to a sweet grin.

Branch would have returned it right away... but he couldn't help but feel something was off. Distracted by the otherworldly sensation of their kiss, it was only now that he took notice something else had occurred whilst in their liplock.

"Uhh... what just happened?" he asked, flicking his gaze up towards the top of his head.

When Poppy looked up too, she giggled. "Oh, that. Viva just braided your hair. It means she likes you!"

It seemed to be true, as the Pop sister sidled up beside him and eyed her work with pride - two perfectly stranded braids, tied with identical purple elastic bands.

"It means I like you!" Viva chimed.

The sisters giggled together, and Branch felt himself cracking a smile, too, because it was just as Poppy had said: This was indeed the best family reunion ever!

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