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"Dad, why did you adopt us? I mean, just like those people around you who are considered to be 'normal' by the society, you could have gotten married, have had kids? Why did you choose to be a single parent for my brother and I?", a sixteen-year-old Aahan asked his dad.

Aryan smiled tenderly at his son, that parental warmth and love for Aahan exuding from him. He affectionately ruffled Aahan's hair earning a whine from him for having messed up his hair. Aryan chuckled affectionately at that.

"Let me tell you a story dear. There was this young man in love with a gorgeous young woman. They loved each other, earnestly. The young man was ambitious. The young woman was supportive of his ambitions. In fact, she too was zealous. They wanted to strengthen their presence in the world and strived extremely hard for that.", Aryan narrated. Just then, Aahan interrupted him.

"But dad, why are you telling me this story? I asked you an entirely different question.", Aahan complained with a confused look on his face.

"Listen baccha. You will get your answer. So, what happened was, one day, his ambition got the better of the young man. All he could do was work. His gorgeous woman supported him, but there had to be a limit for everything. She tried to make him understand. She explained, she yelled, she tried every possible means, yet he did not give in. Success blinded his sensibility. She started slipping away from his life and he failed to understand. It was only when she left him one unfortunate day, that he understood her worth. But now, it was too late."

Aryan's voice croaked towards the end. He wiped a lone tear that had managed to escape his eye.

"But dad, why did she leave him? If she loved him, she should have persisted right?", Aahan asked.

"Aahan, she persisted, even beyond her means, but this love of hers started costing her, her identity. She had no choice but to leave. And so, this young man who now stood devastated even while being at the peak of success tried to win her back. But it was too late for that as well. It was then that he came to know that she was the angel of his life, keeping him away from darkness.", Aryan narrated.

Aahan looked at his dad with a knowing expression now, as though he had grasped the entire story.

Aryan continued, "Now, one day, this young man who had become a shell of the person he was earlier, came across two beautiful angels, while he had been lost in his darkness. He decided to have those angels for himself and"

Aahan interrupted his dad again, "And the wonderful superhero adopted those two crying, deserted angels and became their hero, their dad." Tears streamed across Aryan's face listening to his son's words.

"Aahan, my precious, I had once lost what was dear to me by not appreciating its worth. The day I decided to become your dad, I vowed to never make the same mistake again. I love you and your brother more than my life.", Aryan stated, love oozing through his eyes while he took Aahan in a firm embrace.

A heart-warming story of a father and his sons

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