The lab

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"And that's why the concept of afterlife was such a pragmatic part of the lives of ancient Egyptians.", Dr. Hawke concluded his lecture on afterlife in ancient Egypt.

Kartik sat there still mesmerized by the details the professor had shared. Dr. Hawke was a popular Egyptologist and the prime reason of Kartik's seeking an admission in this particular college in the US. He was immensely interested in the Egyptology, especially the afterlife in that period.

After all the students had left the lecture hall, Dr. Hawke saw Kartik still sitting there, staring at something in his hands as if in a trance.

"Mr. Desai, do you have any doubts or concerns?", he asked.

His voice broke the trail of thoughts in Kartik's mind. He shook his head and replied with a smile, "Oh, nothing like that doctor. It's just that this has always been my interest and listening about afterlife today, especially in your lecture is like a dream come true."

Dr. Hawke chuckled lightly at that.

"So, what are those notes in your hand about, if I might ask?", Dr. Hawke questioned in a curious tone.

"Oh these. These are some of the notes which I have jotted down while studying afterlife. Now, even though the reference point is Egyptian afterlife, I have also studied about the afterlife in various ancient religions and modern religions. Also, its significance in today's world. So yeah, that's pretty much it.", Kartik replied humbly. It was a dreamlike experience for him to have gotten the opportunity to share his research with his idol.

Dr. Hawke's eyes widened at the expanse of Kartik's studies. He had not expected such a level of dedication from a person of Kartik's age. He was impressed.

"Wow. That's really wonderful Mr. Desai. I am totally impressed with your dedication to this topic. Woah."

Kartik smiled shyly at his professor not aware how to take his complements. He however, felt a serene satisfaction at those words.

The next hour or so was spent by the two of them together glancing through Kartik's notes with Dr. Hawke providing the relevant insights and suggestions wherever required. It was like two long lost friends having a deep conversation on their favorite topic.

"Kartik if you don't have any plans for today, would you accompany me to a research center. I have a friend, he's also a scientist, however he conducts experiments which help him understand afterlife. So, what say, will you come with me.", Dr. Hawke extended an invitation to Kartik.

He simply could not believe his ears. This was once in a lifetime chance, and he could not believe he had been given this opportunity by his mentor. He almost jumped with joy and went ahead straight to hug Dr. Hawke.

"Oh, my goodness. Thank you doctor. Thank you so much.", he exclaimed in happiness.

He then seemed to realize his blunder out of enthusiasm and stepped aside to stare at Dr. Hawke. He found a strange emotion swirling through his professor's eyes. One which he could not really pinpoint.

"Um, sorry doctor, it's just that, I was really excited.", he said sheepishly.

Dr. Hawke chuckled at that and shook his head stating, "Don't worry dear."

Kartik noticed a change in Dr. Hawke's demeanor once they reached the research center. It was as though he was lost in his own thoughts and was contemplating something. Kartik only hoped that he did not regret bringing him here.

"Doctor, are you okay? Is everything fine?", Kartik questioned nervously.

"Oh yes, it's fine. Seriously, it is.", Dr. Hawke replied with a forced smile.

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