- Pt. 1: Baby Branch -

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"...Okay Branch, nice prank! You got us bro." Clay said, poking the baby's cheek. "Oh, that feels real!"

"That's because it is real, Clay." Floyd replied, shaking his head at his brother.

Floyd carried the sleeping infant. "So, are we not gonna question that Branch is a baby now?" He asked.


"Of course you're not." Floyd sighed, pinching his nose bridge.

John examined the now baby Branch. "I can't help but think this is the resulting of our pranking..."

"You think? Maybe this is a lesson to you three." Floyd suggested.

"...Or?" Clay asked.

The emo troll groaned in frustration. "Okay, we're going to Poppy to figure this out."

"Can we get ice cream on the way?—"

"No Clay."

»»————- 🍼 ————-««

At Poppy's pod...

"And when we went down into his bunker, we found him like this." Floyd explained, holding out the snoozing baby.


Branch was snatched away by Poppy and Viva, who was somehow still fast asleep.

(Yes Viva is also here—)

"Look at him! Isn't he just the cutest thing in the world?!" Poppy cooed and awed at her now baby boyfriend.

"The cutest!" Viva agreed.

The girls soon stopped their little banter. "Anyway, you four are gonna take care of him, righttt?"

Floyd then spoke up. "Of course we are—"

"Um, about that...I'm a little busy, sorry!" John said quickly, attempting to leave the pod.

As he reached for the door, dark pink hair wrapped around him.

"Hey! What's the big ideaaAAAAAHH?!!!" John screamed, his voice growing higher in pitch as the hair tightened around him.

"You three are going nowhere." Poppy demanded. Her eyes darted over to Bruce and Clay.

Bruce held up his hands, not wanting any trouble. "Easy, easy. I'm not going anywhere."

All eyes went to Clay— Wait, where did he go?

"You'll never take me alive!" Clay screamed, running away.

"Viva, we've got a runner!" Poppy said, watching Clay run off.

"On it Poppy!" She replied, taking off after Clay.

Clay thought he was in the clear, until he heard rapid footsteps behind him. He turned his head. "VIVA?!"

"Surrender now Clay! No one has to get hurt!"


Clay's hair wrapped around himself as he formed a ball and rolled away.

Viva knew she had the high ground now. "Big mistake Clay!" She formed a ball and rolled after him.

Clay saw her gaining up on him. "Viva, come on girl! I thought we were cool!"

"Sorry Clay, but a troll's got to do what a troll's got to do!"


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Baby For A Day: A BroZone Story 🍼Where stories live. Discover now