I Bet

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Walking through the dark halls of Hogwarts Harry's cloak being the only thing from us getting caught. It was well known that a secret party was going on tonight in the Slytherin dormitory. Harry only wanted to humiliate Draco for something he did to him earlier today.

Once to the door I was shocked that Harry even knew the password. Nonetheless we got in just in time to see that the party was in full swing, something I was surprised at. I was wondering why no teachers stopped them.

More distracted with the party than staying hidden I quickly found myself out in the open in just an oversized sweater and leggings. To make matters worse it happened to be as soon as Pansy, Draco's current fling turned around.

"Well look who it is, girls." She says getting the attention of not only her friends but also Draco himself.

'Harry you better take full advantage of this distraction.' I think knowing Harry planned on casting a spell on Draco stuff in his room. How did he even know where that was? I didn't bother asking.

"What's a mud-blood like you doing here?" He asks, wrinkling his nose up at me.

"Maybe she is here to steal Draco away from you?" One of Pansy's friends said clearly trying to start something.

"I'd like to see her try." Pansy says smirking.

"I wouldn't waste my breath." I say running my fingers through my hair.

"Now if you'll excuse me I'll be on my way." I say turning to leave only to be stopped by long cold fingers wrapping around my forearm.

I turned back to see that those fingers belonged to none other than Draco. Him looking down with me something devilish in his eyes.

"I bet a mud-blood like you couldn't even if you tried." He says, smirking.

"Yeah why don't you try. I could use a good laugh." Pansy says, wrapping her arms around Draco's free one. His fingers still wrapped around mine.

"What do I get out of it?" I say, pulling my arm free and crossing my arms. My eyebrow lifting in a challenge.

"Pansy can't bother you for the rest of the year." Draco says earning a pout from Pansy.

"Draco, no fair."

"Don't worry love, I doubt she'll win."

"You're right, why am I worried?" She says smiling.

"Exactly so do you accept?" He asked, smirking down at me.

"Fine." I say knowing if I don't agree they would probably never let me leave.

"Wonderful, would you like to know the rules?" Pansy asked once again, clinging to Draco's arm.

"I'll be fine thanks dearie." I say smiling at her and patting her cheek.

Moving to leave I was glad when no one stopped me. The sound of Pansy's huffing behind me.

A Week Later.

I sat in one of the windows of the library with a potions book in my lap. My cat sleeping at my feet

Seeing movement out of the corner of my eye I glanced up to see none other than Draco sitting at the table closest to me. I smiled, shaking my head given the fact that he didn't even know I was there or else he would not be sitting there.

Ignoring that he was there I looked back down at my book wanting to study why I had the time.

Hearing a soft meow I looked up to see a black and orange cat looking up at me.

"Hello Hallow." I say smiling at her and scratching her head earning a soft purr.

"Is it yours?" Asked the one person I didn't want to talk to today.

Looking up I met the cool blue eyes that normally glared at me yet today they were just blue with no harshness behind them.

"Umm yeah she is." I say, wondering why he was being normal but didn't see the point in questioning it. I was never the one for conflict.

"Her name is Hollow." I say once again reaching down to scratch her head.

"Why would you name a cat that?" He asks, turning up his nose like always.

Sighing, I decided it's best to ignore it.

"Because she is black orange and white, Halloween colors. Well at least in the muggle world they are." I say shrugging and looking back down at the large book in my lap.

Not hearing a reply I relaxed, guessing the conversation was over.

"You know you're losing right." He said after a few minutes

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Yours and Pansy's bet to win me over. She decided to only give you a month."

"It takes more than a month to make someone stop loving someone else."

"But I don't love her." He said so quickly it surprised me.

"Well that's none of my business. Besides." I say standing up holding the book on my hip. It was kinda heavy.

"I don't hoe in other people's gardens." I say moving to put my book back.

"What does that mean?" He asks, following me to where all the potions books were.

"It means that I don't mess with someone who is already taken." I say standing on my toes to push my book back in place. Draco's hand comes into view as he helps me slide it on the shelf with ease, him taller than me.

"Thanks." I say turning around to face him. That clearly being a bad idea when he pins me to the bookshelf, it is now behind me, his arms on either side of me. His face was only a few inches from mine.

Taking a breath I made myself look only at his eyes, nothing else.

"What do you want Draco?" I ask, glad that my voice didn't give away how nervous I was. It actually sounded slightly annoyed which I was thankful for.

"I want you to play the game." He says, him, sounding more angry than annoyed.

"And if I don't?"

"Then I'll make sure your friends have a living hell the rest of the year." He says smirking.

"And what if I do play the game?" I ask, straightening my back and holding my head up, making my nose brush his.

I purposely made myself look down at his mouth then back up to his eyes. Just to see if I really could play this game.

When Draco slammed his lips into mine so hard I swear he busted my lip I quickly realized that I could not just play it that I could win it.

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