Prove it

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After classes were over I found myself by the lake not even caring about the rain soaking me. Hearing someone yell my name I turn to see taller shapes running toward me.

I quickly realize it's Ron's twin brothers. I could never get their names right so I only ever called them the twins.

"Ron told us we would find you here." Said the one on the right.

"Yeah he said you got into a fight." Said the one on the left.

"That he thought you were mad at him."

"We came to cheer you up."

"Yeah come with us, we have a surprise." Said the one on the right, them both grabbing my wrist pulling me back toward the school.

I didn't get an answer from them so I let them drag me to whatever they wanted to show me. I doubt they could make my day any worse.

You can imagine the shock when they pulled me into an unused classroom just to show a good size party. Magic was clearly the answer as to why you couldn't hear it outside of the door.

I jumped when one of the twins took my wet robe off leaving me in just jeans and a dark purple tank top.

"We heard you like to dance so go have fun." They say together pushing me into the crowd.

"Sorry." I say to the ravenclaw I bumped into.

It didn't take long for me to get lost to beat using that as a way to let out my emotions.

Feeling hands on my hips I didn't care who it was, they didn't seem to mind that I didn't care either.

Running my fingers threw my hair. It was now wet from sweat. I rolled my hips closing my eyes.

Turning around to face them I was met with dark brown eyes, maybe black it was hard to tell with the dim lights in here.

"Not bad." He says smirking, making me roll my eyes.

"Thanks." I say turning around to walk away wanting something to drink. Only to run into a hard chest.

Looking up I sighed seeing the only face I didn't want to see right now.

"He was right. You're not bad."

Sighing I cross my arms.

"What do you want?"

"I don't want anything from a mud-blood like you." He says, his smirk growing.

"Then why are you in my way?" I ask, trying to walk around him only for him to grab my arm and spin me back to face him.

"You know for someone that doesn't want anything you seem to enjoy stopping me every time I try to walk away from you."

"That's because we have unfinished business."

"And that is?"

"Our bet of course"

"I'm good thanks, I came here to dance not to put up with a spoiled rich kid." I say turning to leave again.

"Just like I guessed a mud-blood like you could never impress me." He says, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I didn't have to see his face to know that he thought he won. I rolled my neck and shoulders trying to calm down.

"What did I hurt your feelings? I mean you could always prove it. Prove you can turn me on and I'll leave you alone." He says.

Almost growling I turn around roughly grabbing him by his tie pulling him down to my height.

"Now we both know that's a lie. You've been bugging me all day. So why not leave me alone for once?" I ask, smiling the fakest smile I could.

"Oh wait I forgot you can't because the only way you feel good about yourself is if you take it out on everyone else." I say earning myself a glare.

"Now if you don't mind I should really get to bed." I say smiling again, letting go of his tie. I turn and try to walk away.

Once again I'm spun into his hard chest. Him looking down at me with something I couldn't place. His blue eyes danced around as if he was waiting for me to break. Give in. Find my bluff.

"What? Do you like it when I'm in charge?" I question, reaching up to tug his tie once again. His face stopped inches from mine.

"I think you got that the other way around." He says making me throw my head back in laughter.

"Oh that's rich. Of course Draco Malfoy has to be in charge and get his way." I say, in a mock baby voice.

His jaw clenches, making me smirk. I don't react, feeling his hands settle on my waist.

"Your gonna pay for that."

"Am I? Then make me pay-."

I'm stopped by Draco roughly pulling me closer to slam his mouth into mine. I shocked both myself and him by roughly kissing him back, wrapping my arms around him. Biting my lip he roughly pushes his tongue into my mouth us fighting for dominance. The kiss was all angry and pent up frustration. Grabbing my hips he roughly pulls me into him, letting me feel him clearly through our layers of clothes.

Smirking, I pull away from him and lick my lip. Leaning up on my tiptoes I bite at his ear.

"I think I proved it." I say smirking and pulling away from him.

I walked away before he could do anything. Taking my robe from the many by the door I put it on quickly finding my way back to my room.

It wasn't until I laid down and closed my eyes that I realized I kissed Draco three times today and each one was completely different but exactly the same. Goes to show how emotions change everything

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