Party Gone Wrong

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The next few weeks were not what I would call normal. Well school was normal but other than that my life at Hogwarts was strange.

Everytime I walked through the halls I somehow always bumped into Draco or him bumping into me. Whenever I was in class when I looked up I would find his blue eyes staring at me.

I'm sure to others it looked threatening or like he was glaring at me but I knew the truth.

He was waiting for me to win him over. To do something that would give him a reason to like a mud blood.

I was in the middle of trying to enjoy lunch while catching secret glances with Draco. He was talking to Pansy but he wasn't looking at her.

I stick my tongue out at him, earning a wink back that makes me giggle.

"Hey Y/N!" one of the twins says sitting next to me, followed by the other one.

"Umm yes?" I say making myself turn and face them.

"You wanna come to another party tonight?"

"Umm sure."

"Okay great but bring a date."

"A date?"

"Yeah we are going to be playing games and we want it to be about even for couples."

"And who am I meant to invite?" I ask.

"The only boys I know are your brother and Harry and one of them is not speaking to me."

"Oh you can't invite them, they already have dates."

"Can I come by myself?"

"No. See you tonight." They say at the same time and stand up leaving me alone.

"Thanks." I say after them.

I spent the rest of the day as normal as it could be. I was heading back to my room when I was approached by Neville.

"Umm hi." He says, stopping me in the hallway.

"Hello." I say smiling at him.

"Are you going to the party tonight?"

"I was but apparently you can't go alone."

"You don't have a date?" He asks, looking at me from looking at the floor.

"No one I wanted to ask." I say Draco's face comes to mind but that was a big no no.

"So umm would you like to go with me?" He asks, blushing.

"Sure." I say smiling at him.


"Yeah, you're a nice person. I wouldn't mind spending a night with you."

"Thanks Y/N." He says blushing.

"No problem."

'I'll umm meet you in the courtyard after dinner."

"Sure." I say smiling at him.

With a read race he quickly scurries off making me laugh. I walk into my room with a new plan in mind.

I was going to get dressed in normal clothes but halfway through I couldn't help but wonder if Draco would be there. I blush at the thought, hating now I was starting to look forward to seeing him.

Chewing my lip I looked at my clothes laid on the bed and decided to change plans. I wasn't going to dress up for anyone. But this was a game right? I was meant to make him break down and fall for me.

I have to stop the twisted smile on my face wondering if maybe I should have been in Slytherin.

Giggling, I shrug and start to get dressed.

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