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Writer’s Block Is The Writer’s Worst Enemy.


I am extremely sorry guys. I know I know again I abandoned the story just like that for the past couple of months, no amount of excuses will rectify that. I was just thinking why I'm doing this again since I had always updated my first book frequently and why can't I do this to my second book? I never wanted to believe that I was stuck under writer's block, but here I am.

At first I thought it was me and my personal problems but I feel like it was not that. I have the chapters written/ drafted but for me it's either unbelievable or unimportant to me, and again I'm going back to start writing the same chapter again or editing it. I have this constant feeling that it's not enough and my readers won't like it.

And that doesn't mean I will not complete my work. I will definitely try to update but I hope you guys understand the phase I'm going through. I just need a little motivation from your side too.

Please do like/ vote each chapters. I'm not compelling anyone to do it, I'm requesting you all. It literally takes me hours to write down one single chapter yet I'm not getting any likes and comments. When I see the likes count that are very less it kinda disappointing me, making me think maybe I'm very bad at writing that's ppl are not liking the chapters.

Please do understand from my POV. I really hope you guys understand this and help me complete my story.

And thank you for your patience guys.

Jenikim7 ❤️

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