Honeymooning and Baby Makes How Many?

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Helping Sanem out of the car once they arrived at the cabin, Can thanked the driver and closed the door. 

He turned to face Sanem and all at once, their lives together up to that point flashed in his mind. Gazing into her eyes, he wondered how he could've gotten so lucky.

Watching her husband's expression, Sanem's mind drifted to all that brought them to this moment as well. She was now married to this incredibly sensitive and loving man. She felt so much gratitude in that moment.

Can took her hand and led her down the walkway to their home.

He loved the sound of that. Their home.

Keeping his eyes on her, he fought against his desire that was brewing like a storm inside him. But she deserved candlelights and flowers, music and romance. He would have to be patient.

As he unlocked the door, he turned around quickly, surprising her, and picked her up bride-style to carry her over the threshold, as she squealed in delight.

They were both laughing and giddy with love. Setting her down, he took the opportunity to look at his wife in the light of the moon as it shone into the cabin from the big windows. 

From her silky hair to her almond shaped eyes that revealed so much love in that moment, it made him dizzy. Scanning down her perfect face, he gazed at her beautiful lips; lips that he could get lost in for eternity. 

Taking his time, he allowed his eyes to survey her lovely shape as a smile expanded across his face. She was perfect in every way.

Smiling back at him, Sanem knew exactly what her husband was thinking about and watched curiously.

Bending down slowly to kiss her, he said, Sanem I never thought it would be possible to be this happy...and your beauty, pausing to look at her from head to toe again, takes my breath away. His kisses increased in both intensity and fervor.

Trying to take breaths in between his smothering kisses, she answered, Never, Can. Never did I think it was possible either. 

Pulling back from his embrace she reached up, took her fingers and moved them slowly through his long hair, removing the band that held it back. She watched his thick chestnut locks cascade down into his gorgeous face. She loved seeing it wild and free, just like him. 

Can closed his eyes at the new sensation of her fingers on his scalp and thought he'd lose his mind on the spot, his body shuddering at the intimacy of it.

She stood up onto her toes to reach his lips once again, as he bent his head down, his now freed hair coming around them like a curtain. Hiding them away from the world, she was lost in that moment, in his clean manly scent and the strong caress of his arms and the strong beating of both their hearts.

Their kisses suddenly turned more passionate in an instant. The air in the room changed. It was almost palpable. All the desire that had been building between them was finally free to be demonstrated.

Saaanem, Can groaned. You smell so good. You make my heart beat out of control, moving his lips to her ear, then back to her lips.

Kiss me, Can. I'll take care of your heart, she said as she felt him smile against her lips, echoing his words to her. You make me feel alive, beautiful, desired. She was breathless and reaching for him to bring him into a closer embrace.

Sanem, Sanem, I want to make you feel what I'm feeling, he whispered. I want you to know how deep my love is for you, cara mia.

Feeling her heart flip in her chest at his breathless words, she whispered, Show me, Can.

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