6; blind dates

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Waiting for Ishan outside in his car, Shubman prepared for the string of blind dates ahead- five in total.

As Ishan hopped into the passenger seat, Shubman couldn't help but tease, "What took you so long? Feels like I'm taking you out on a date."

Playfully hitting Shubman's arm, Ishan replied while adjusting his hair, "I had trouble picking an outfit." In response, Shubman teased, "Yet, in the end, you opted for my shirt."

"Well, a certain someone thought it was a great idea to raid my wardrobe for his date," Ishan retorted, subtly addressing Shubman's habit of borrowing his clothes.

Amused, Shubman chuckled, "Looks like it's going to be a long day," as he started the car.

They arrived at the destination for Shubman's first date- a cozy café where Ashvi Malhotra, his first date who is also the café manager, awaited.

As Shubman and Ashvi were engrossed in conversation, Ishan sat at a distant table, unable to tear his gaze away from the unfolding scene.

Ishan regretted agreeing to be Shubman's date companion. Witnessing Shubman with another girl felt like a painful reminder, a dagger labeled 'You can never be in her place' stabbing at his heart.

Enduring this agony, Ishan knew he had four more rounds of this heartache to endure throughout the day.

Lost in his misery, he noticed Shubman and Ashvi concluding their meeting. Shubman signaled for him to follow as he left the café.

The date was over already? Ishan hadn't anticipated such a swift ending. "Already?" he inquired as they left the café and got back to their car.

Shubman nodded, fastening his seat belt, "Yeah, we didn't really click on anything. I appreciated her straightforwardness, though."

"This might not be as long a day as I thought," he added, contrary to his initial expectations.

The three dates that followed passed swiftly, without much connection building between Shubman and his dates and with a scathed Ishan being dragged along.

As evening approached, they headed for the last date- Naina, a romance novel writer. On their way, Shubman expressed empathy. "I feel kind of bad for them," he admitted, to which Ishan retorted, "You should."

"They were genuinely nice ladies. I hope they find their match," Shubman reflected, receiving a reassuring pat from Ishan.

Shubman parked the car, ready to exit, but noticing Ishan engrossed in his phone, he asked, "Aren't you coming?"

Too drained to join, Ishan replied, "I'm too tired. You go ahead. I'll wait in the car." The weariness in his voice was evident, a consequence of the emotional rollercoaster he felt throughout the day.

As Shubman stepped into the less crowded and peaceful restaurant, he spotted Naina waving from a corner. Making his way over, they exchanged greetings before settling into their seats.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting," Shubman apologized sincerely, a genuine sense of regret coloring his words. Naina replied with a wry smile, "It's okay. I'm used to it."

Ouch. That hit the bull's eye.

"Should we order something?" Naina asked, diverting the conversation, and Shubman agreed, "Sure."

As the waiter approached, Shubman took the initiative, "A cup of tea, less sugar, and for you..." He waited for Naina's order, and she decided, "A cup of cold coffee would do."

A cup of cold coffee- Ishaan's preferred nighttime beverage. He claimed it helped him get a better sleep.

Shubman found himself smiling at the thought but then he quickly refocused on the date, pushing aside any distractions.

"Let's get to know each other until our order arrives," Naina proposed, and Shubman agreed, "Yeah, sure. What do you want to know about me?"

Their conversation flowed, both getting increasingly engrossed and learning a lot about the other. Suddenly, Naina pivoted, asking, "So, tell me about your friends."

Taking a sip of his tea, Shubman responded, "Friends? There are many, but there's one whom I trsure the most- Ishan."

Naina probed, "Oh? Is he your best friend?"

A fond smile lit up Shubman's face as he thought of Ishan. "Yeah. He's like a walking ray of sunshine, spreading good vibes wherever he goes. If there was a human embodiment of a warm hug, he'd be it. He's like a beacon of energy, attracting people, turning strangers into friends. It's hard to imagine anything but a smile on his face. You know, he has this ability to uplift me at my toughest times."

He paused, his smile fading as he added, "Sometimes, though, he keeps things from me..... I just want to be there for him until the end."

Glancing at Naina, he noticed her seemingly mesmerized, lost in thought while staring at him. Naina hinted, "I seem to have noticed something."

"What is it?" Shubman inquired, confusion flickering in his eyes. Naina shook her head, diverting the topic, and their date stretched far longer than all the previous four dates combined.

Ishan felt a wave of fatigue wash over him as he waited for Shubman in the car. Glancing at his watch, he noted that it was 8 pm- almost an hour and half since Shubman entered the restaurant.

He had anticipated a swift end to this date, much like the previous ones, but reality proved him wrong.

A figure in a black tuxedo heading towards the restaurant briefly caught Ishan's attention. Despite emanating shady vibes, Ishan, couldn't focus, succumbing to the pull of sleepiness, eventually dozing off in the car.

Meanwhile, inside the restaurant, Shubman and Naina's conversation continued, Shubman sensing a connection that had been absent in his previous four dates.

As their date neared its conclusion, Naina suggested, "I'm heading to a party at the club. Would you like to join me?"

Normally, Shubman would decline such an invitation, but for some reason, he found himself agreeing, "Why not?"

Returning to his car, Shubman discovered Ishan peacefully asleep. A smile adorned Shubman's face. He carefully adjusted Ishan's head, ensuring it wouldn't hit the window when the car started.

Driving towards the club, Ishan woke from his slumber along the way, rubbing his eyes. Shubman, noticing Ishan's movement, asked, "You're awake?"

Stretching, he groggily inquired, "Where are we headed?" to which Shubman replied, "To the club."

As Ishan shook off the remnants of sleepiness, he questioned, "Why?" Shubman explained, "Well, Naina invited me to join her at the club."

Taken aback, Ishan asked, "And you said yes?!" Shubman hesitated before saying, "Please don't be mad. I promise I'll treat you to dinner after."

Ishan threw his head back, closing his eyes. He really wondered how he fell for this guy out of all the people in the world. But then again, he didn't really need a reason to love him. He just did and there was no turning back now. "You're driving me crazy," Ishan remarked.

DOUBLE UPDATES TODAY! Now, now, I don't make a habit of double updates, but the next chapter is, in my humble opinion, a gem, after the first chapter ofcourse. And I couldn't bear to make you wait until Wednesday for the it. Consider this an early Christmas present from me!


"December : A Month Of Two Shades- One Give Hope Of New Year Other Holds The Memories From January to November."

- Unknown


Publish Date: 23.12.2023

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