105 ∞ Clean-up and Considerations

37 12 1

Day 00012 Mission Nilex

Ayla was unaware of how much time had passed before she pulled herself together. She just sat there staring through the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the occasional wisp drift over Canaisis' hull. She didn't let herself think or feel. Only when she was ready did she turn from the view and look at the food on the table. She'd been hungry, but she'd lost her appetite since the telling, so she picked up the carry bag to pack everything away.

Pausing at Gareth's covered bowl, she thought, «What should I do with this, Canaisis?»

Not having to interrupt the tranquil silence in the Stateroom was a relief.

«Leave it, Ayla,» responded Canaisis. «He'll come for it. Do him some good.»

«Alright if I take the rest with me?»

«Please do. You've hardly had a bite, and you need to heal.»

Ayla got up and hung the bag strap over her good shoulder, her gaze lingering on the view outside the window.

Should she have picked a better time? She could have deflected Gareth's questions.

No, it needs to be told. He deserves Truth, even if it hurts.

She drew in that awareness with a long, deep breath, bringing her doubts to closure. She'd done the right thing. Without question, it was why Gaia had brought her here at this time.

Gaia, I give thanks.

Ayla stepped out of the tube on the Medical level and paused, recalling her last visit. But she only remembered exiting this level, not entering it. Her butterfly took off and flew ahead of her down the corridor to flutter a dance before the second doorway. She approached and looked inside.

On a bed, Ahmid lay. Next to it, his white suit hung draped over its helmet on a chair. The butterfly landed on her head as she stepped inside, and to her relief, Ahmid's chest rose and fell. She reached his side and took his hand. His presence felt normal in his deep sleep, a peaceful rock. She slowly inhaled and exhaled and sent her love to him.

Her equilibrium partially restored, Ayla removed the pressure suit and helmet from the chair, putting them on the floor, and sat down. She took out her salad bowl and her cup from the carry pack, setting them on the table next to her. The thermos had enough grape juice for one more cup, so she poured half of it. Then she began eating her meal, not letting herself think, just experiencing the flavors and texture of the salad. She savored the dressing Gareth had added on the greens, but she still felt dejected. To prevent an unswallowable lump from forming in her throat, she started talking to Ahmid between mouthfuls.

To her vague surprise, she'd cleaned her bowl. Sighing, she stared at it for a moment, then replaced the lid on the bowl and packed everything away.

She turned her head to look at Ahmid. He hadn't stirred, but she felt so miserable, she couldn't hold it in. So she began telling him everything—what she was thinking and feeling. It poured out of her. When she had nothing more to say, she gazed at him for a minute, and reached out to pat his hand.

"You're always a good listener, Ahmid," she murmured. "Even when asleep. Thank you. I'll be back."

She stood up, flung the pack's strap over her good shoulder, and returned to the transit tube.

«Destination?» asked Canaisis in her mind.

«Hangar level, please,» thought Ayla. «I want to see how bad things are.»

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 3:  A Shard Of CodeWhere stories live. Discover now