108 ∞ Sensors and Blind Spots

35 8 0

Day 00013 Mission Nilex

Ayla gathered the plates and rinsed them under the water faucet before returning them to the drawer. Then she collected the peel to throw away as Ahmid stood over the black box on the picnic table, scrutinizing it.

"What do we need to do, Canaisis?" he asked.

"I'll guide you to the locations," Canaisis' voice responded from overhead. "Once they're all in place, adjustments to their orientation will need to be made in small increments."

"Guide how?"

In answer, four butterflies flew over their heads and made circles in the air.

Ahmid smiled. "I get it. Thank you."

"Return the sensor to the transport plate and we'll begin," said Canaisis. "Be careful lifting it, Ahmid."

"I know how to be gentle." Ahmid wrapped his hands around the black box. But his expression switched to surprise when the box did not budge.

"Being gentle was not what I was referring to, Ahmid."

Ahmid shifted his feet wider apart, placing his body closer to the table. With a grunt, he hefted the box to his chest. "I see that now," he huffed. "How are these so heavy?"

As he turned to put the sensor back on the transport plate, Canaisis answered, "Most of the mass comes from the shielding required to eliminate external noise."

"A solid block of lead wouldn't weigh this much."

"There's no lead present in the device. The element used in the shielding is not known to you yet."

Ahmid leaned back on the table and looked up. "I'd love to hear more about this element, Canaisis. Is it natural or artificial?"

"This topic is not for discussion, Ahmid."

Ayla found herself smiling at Ahmid's disappointment. "It's a good thing I have you around to help me if they're that heavy. Oh big, strong leader."

Ahmid's eyes dropped down to meet hers. "I get enough of that from Lina and Nura—show some respect, Ayla." Then he looked up again to address Canaisis. "This is another You must ask the Captain moment, isn't it? I can tell."

Before Ayla could think of a response, Canaisis replied, "In this case, his answer will be the same as mine, Ahmid. Please understand."

"And why is that?"

Ayla knew the answer from her Journey and decided to jump in to smooth things over. "Some technology can cause more harm than good, if we're not ready for it."

Ahmid jerked his head down to look at her and retorted, "Back to Don't trust the natives, again?"

Ayla found herself a little offended at his remark, but she also found it humorous.

"We just survived a nuclear blast, Ahmid. Do you doubt that we're the primitives? Could we build a ship that can sail for centuries? Now, stop procrastinating, and let's get to work. It's been a while since you had a good workout."

Ayla started off across the grass, following the butterflies. The transport plate came next.

"I'm in plenty fit shape!"

Smiling at Ahmid's indignation behind her, she answered, "It's becoming a round shape, Ahmid." She glanced back to see Ahmid pinching two fingers' worth of belly as he looked down at himself.

The butterflies led them a distance past the uprooted ground before reaching the edge of the clearing. When the butterflies stopped to dance around, Ayla stooped and raked aside twigs and leaves with her hands, and picked up a single yellow fruit before straightening herself. As she tossed the fruit between her hands and then away, she scanned the cleared patch of grass and realized something she hadn't noticed before. The grass was of a uniform height, the top blades just reaching her ankles.

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 3:  A Shard Of CodeWhere stories live. Discover now