Chapter 21 - World at War I

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The silent pit was suddenly filled with the noise and scream of help from an abomination. The abomination in question was almost in-humanoid and almost looked like a blob with multiple eyes, mouths, and various other body parts all over it.

"Such a vile existence. I wonder what she had to go through.", The Klaxosaur Princess commented.

The Klaxosaur Princess commented as she observed Ryo use his ability to make it move into the cabinet as several different organic wires suddenly popped out and attached themselves to the blob.

Even though the blob of abomination tried to resist, Ryo used his mental power to overwhelm the blob's consciousness and made it follow his order. After all, it was made entirely of Ryo's blood itself.

As soon as the blob was connected to the Franxx, the whole FranXX suddenly started to glow with purple lights as purple lines started to appear over the whole FranXX, slowly up from the outer FranXX body to the FranXX pilot cabin, until it started to flow directly into the blob of abomination.

'I cannot believe that the VIRM were able to infect the Star Entity... If it was not for the anomaly, our race, and planet would have faced extinction...'

The Klaxo-Queen frowned with a grim expression as she watched the whole scene take place. As the scene continued, she gave Ryo a side glance as she felt a bit better.

'At least, he is completing his words. With the Star Entity and my partner piloting the Model Klaxo FranXX, it is just a matter of time before we can defeat VIRM... I think that although I might become a slave, I will not be at the losing end.'


Her thoughts were interrupted as the blob of abomination started to wriggle in pain as the Virus started to seep into its body and was absorbed by its body.

"Klaxosaur Princess. Do you want to know the origin of this abomination?"

"Is this one of your cruel experiments that you humans did to achieve the things you want?"

Klaxo-Queen gave Ryo a side glace and asked. It was clear that abomination was made by the anomaly's experiments. In the end, she was still interested in the origin of the abomination, afterall, she understood that the anomaly was trying to hint her with something.

Smiling at her, Ryo replied, "Well you see, there was a human named Ayumi. She tried to defy me and tried to hurt me. After that, you can guess what would have happened. Hahaha."

Klaxosaur Princess lightly looked at him and decided to ignore Ryo. She indeed felt a tiny bit of fear taking place in her heart, but she was able to control it and not show it.

Just trying to defy the anomaly was enough to make him go and make the human suffer such agony, so what would happen if she tried to betray him? She thought about it.

'No. It is useless to think about it.', She forcibly used her emotional manipulation to remove all the unnecessary feelings as she continued to watch the abomination scream in pain as the virus started to seep into its body.

On the other hand, Ryo looked at the Klaxosaur Princess for a short time, then shifted his sight to the abomination which had finally absorbed all the virus from the Star Entity. His expression turned emotionless for an instant as he recovered as a smile adorned his face.

"Save me!"

"It HuRtS..."

As soon as the abomination was completed absorbing its goal, to absorb, it slowly started to turn lifeless and stopped moving.

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