Chapter 28 - Your love belongs to me and me alone...

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The last semi-filler chapter before the chaos breaks out and the plot begins to move by huge leaps... 

One of the biggest chapters I have ever written. Took me a whole week to make the chapter.

Classes for my university have started. Now I will not have much time. I feel like my uploading speed will be badly affected...

Don't forget to give me a comment, reply, or power stone! They give me motivation!

Thank you!



"No need to hurry, Seryu Ubiquitous. I will let you understand the extent of the power I have but before I can tell you something, I want something from you. I want you to keep everything I say to you to yourself."

"The things I am about to show you are top secret from the higher above. Remember to keep it a secret even from your Master as the current project was initiated by the Prime Minister himself."

Seryu nodded to Ryo absent-mindedly, making a small smile form over Ryo's lips. "Good. Welcome to the Order of Round Table, Seryu. We hide in shadows and hunt in shadows. From this day forward, you will receive the power of Order to get stronger and give justice to the sinners. And in return, we want your loyalty to the Imperial Order."


"So, Sir Omega is actually part of a hidden organization built on the order of the Prime Minister Honest!?", With strained eyes, Seryu looked at Ryo, asking for confirmation, making Ryo chuckle. Although Seryuu was a bit tensed a few minutes back, she calmed down as Ryo led her through toward their hideout.

"Yes, this organization was actually a secret plan of Prime Minister Honest. With the recent increase in power of the Night Raid and the Revolutionary Army, Sir Honest has planned to form this team."

"We will be forming a special task force consisting of the highest and the strongest of the Empire. Each member will need to have a Teigu in their possession to get a chance. Although it will work directly under the emperor himself. The name of our organization is Shadow Garden."

Ryo introduced the 'hidden secret' he had been keeping with him to Seryu, making her turn a bit more serious.

While walking in the front, Rurik silently listened to Ryo and Seryu talking, opening several mechanical doors with passwords and fingerprints on their long hallway. Giving him a side glace, Ryo continued, "Our task force will be tasked to bring order to the Empire and eliminate any threats to its stability."

"We bring justice to society and remove crime from the face of the world. And with your skills, Seryu, you are the perfect fit for this team.", Taking a deep slow breath, Seryu closed her eyes as she continued to think about the proposal that she was given.

She had always wanted to serve the Empire and eliminate any threats to its peace. Her wish seemed like a dream because of all the crimes that were being done within the empire. And now, with this opportunity, she felt like she was finally fulfilling her lifelong dream.

Opening her eyes, she looked at Ryo with narrowed eyes and asked, "Sir Omega, I do not want to doubt you but what proof do you have that you are working for the Empire itself? How can I believe you completely? And why is it named after the 'Shadow' person being wanted."

Ryo smiled inwardly, knowing that everything was going as he had expected. The World Will is again using its energy on her. "Good deduction and analysis. I would have been dissatisfied if you had not suspected me. I am 'Shadow', and the reason for making me the enemy of the Empire is so that we will be more easily able to infiltrate the Revolutionary Army."

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