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"Taehyung..." You muttered with desperation. You didn't need anyone but him. His eyes traveled down along with the tear that gushed through your cheek followed by another one as you gravely stretched your hand out for him to hug you and embrace you in his warmth. Your heart wanted him without any single ounce of confusion.

At this exact moment, you knew that he was the one you needed and the urge for him to be by your side was undeniable.

You trotted towards him while he instantly sped up his strides towards you before he immediately wrapped his warm hands around your back.

Enveloping your hands around his neck before he lifted you you could feel the ground under your feet was swept away in a jiffy.

You lent all your weight into his arms as you rested your chin over his shoulder. You could feel the tip of his chin on your shoulder as the side of his neck was touching your frigid one.

"What happened, Princess?" He asked before holding your physique in his one hand and gliding his other hand on the back of your head as his slender fingers excavated through your tresses. You tried your best trying to hear for an answer but he only got to hear your sobs in return.

You let out all the tears that you had been holding back to yourself since you got to know that Hyun-Ki murdered your father.

Stiffening your hold around his neck, you let your tears flow down your cheeks as they get soaked in the material of his suit jacket.

He could feel the fabric of his coat getting wet before he tightened his grip around your waist, holding you against his chest. Not even a single second you felt his clutch loosen even a bit, "It... It wasn't- an accident-" Your muffled voice came out between the sobs but he heard each and every word clearly.

He looked straight ahead behind your shoulder with his emotionless eyes before he placed your physique on the terrace floor you could feel him tracing his slender fingers alongside your scalp before you both broke the hug as he elongated his hand up to your face before cupping your visage in his vast palms.

"Shh... stop crying, Please." He asked you, looking straight into your eyes with his soft ones before you got a hold of his forearm from which he was cupping your face.

You gulped down a lump in your throat before taking a deep breath as he skimmed the pad of his thumb on your cheeks to wipe your gushing tears.

"Simmer down, Princess." He whispered in the softest voice you have ever heard before he slipped his hand out of your grip and he got a hold of your wrist when a whimper left your mouth making his movement halt at the exact moment. He looked at you for a second before looking down at your wrist.

Without wasting a second, he rolled the sleeves of your dress up, gingerly while you were looking at him with your blubbering orbs while your heart was hammering inside your chest, and the chilly weather wasn't doing any good.

THE HATING GAME- Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now