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The rain falls heavily around me as I wait outside of the door I have been longing to see for a month now but hadn't been able to due to schedules, life events and timing.

I hold my umbrella over my head, waiting patiently for the door to swing open and for me to be graced with the face I dream about almost every night.

The door finally opens, and there they are. The love of my life, the only person in this world that I feel understands me.

I walk in, close the door behind me. Immediately peel off my wet coat and place my umbrella down on the doormat.

We hug tightly. How we always do when we go this long without seeing each other. That being said, it should feel familiar. But it doesn't. It feels strange, almost awkward.

"Let's go sit down."

I nod at the suggestion, taking my shoes off and placing them neatly to the side. I follow suit, walking down the massive hallway that I've walked down many times.

We get to the living room, both sit on the couch. Silence engulfs us. Weird. I can never shut up even on a bad day, and yet here I am sat in complete awkwardness and quietness, the love of my life who I've missed dearly merely inches away from me.

"How've you been?" I ask. Clearing my throat slightly.

"Good. Fine."


"Alright." I force a smile. Look down at my hands in front of me.



"Yeah." I reply.

More silence.

"I...I think we need to talk." I know this isn't going to be positive. I can tell. We're both too distant with one another for it to be good.

I take a deep breath, before turning to look at my favourite person on the planet.

"This isn't working." Heart breaks even though I agree. Even though that's all I've been thinking about. The fact that the relationship just isn't what it was. That managing such a fairly new relationship is already hard, but adding long distance to it is even harder.

I look down at my hands again. They're shaking.

"I know." I say quietly. Voice cracking.

I can feel the tears desperately wanting to spill. The water pooling in my eyes as I try my best to blink it all away and remain strong.

"I don't know what to do." A sigh escapes the most perfect lips to ever be created.

I hold the hand that I would hold forever if I could. But seemingly might not be able to anymore.

"We can try and make this work." My voice is quiet and crackly and pained. My hearts hurting. So much.

My worst fear is then played out in front of my eyes. The shake of the head, the sorrowful and upset eyes. The squeeze of the hand. The subtle look down before their eyes connect with yours and the words, "we can't do this anymore." Are muttered.

The words that make your whole world come crashing down. In front of the person you've chosen to be your whole world.

I blink rapidly. My ears are ringing. The words have wrapped themselves around my throat, so much so that I feel as though I can't breath. My tears have escaped and are trickling down my cheeks. My hand has loosened in its grip. My body has slumped.

"What?" I'm shocked. I wasn't expecting it to go this way.

"You know it's not working." I do know. But I don't want to. I don't want to think about the fact that our relationship couldn't even make it past the 6 month stage. That it crumbled so quickly, so easily.

It makes me question it. Whether a relationship that was originally built around a lie can ever succeed. Whether we were too naive in thinking a relationship solely created for Pr could turn real and actually last without any problems.

"But....I love you!" I say desperately. My hearts bleeding.

"I love you more. More than anything and anyone. But we can't keep going on like this." My favourite hand reaches out and cups my cheek. No gesture I love more than that. And yet it's the thing breaking my heart the most right now.

I shake my head, removing the hand and standing to my feet.

"If you did, you'd fight for this!" My voice is louder than I want it to be. But I'm hurt.

"I have!" The words echo around the house that's like my second home.

"I've been there for you! Whenever you needed me I was there!" The loudness continues.

"No! You haven't!" I argue

"Do you even know how many important things you've missed happening in my life? How many of our phone calls we were meant to have that you've forgotten about?" I question.

"I've flown down to see you whenever you've needed me! I've been there for you" I scream.

"You haven't been here! Even when you're here you're not actually here! You're thinking about work or your schedule, what you have to do, when you have to do it!"

I let out a sad laugh, taking a step back. I look the person who has my heart, up and down. It's like they're suddenly becoming a stranger to me the more this argument continues.

"I can't keep putting all of the effort into this!"

"You?" I laugh mockingly as I wipe away one of my tears falling.

"Yes! Me!"

I cover my mouth, letting out another laugh that's mixed in with a cry.

"You know what—" I grab my phone that's on the couch.

"I agree. We can't keep doing this. Clearly it's not working for either of us. So let's end it here." I shrug. Pretending I'm not completely breaking down.

The only eyes I care to look into, are pained. As watery as mine are.

"Wait—" I hear called out as I walk out of the living room towards the front door. I hear footsteps marching after me and then feel a hand grab my arm roughly pulling me to a stop in my tracks.

"Don't leave like this!"

"I don't want to be here anymore!"

"Can't we just...we can talk about this properly—"

"You've said enough." I turn back around so I'm now facing the door. Slip my shoes back on, grab my coat and my umbrella and then open the door.

The same hand stops me once again. Holding onto my arm tightly. "Please!" The desperation is making me want to stop. But then I think about everything that just came out and it upsets me all over again.

I remain strong. Open up my umbrella outside and walk out. The rain hits my umbrella as I rush to my car, hearing my name being called out repeatedly.

The minute I'm in my car I break down. I feel my heart just shatter into pieces. The stability of my life breaking down. I came here with so much, with everything and left with absolutely nothing.

— it was so hard writing this
without giving away who's pov
it is. Any guesses???

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