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"It's too early!" I hear the most distinctive voice complain. I don't even need to look up to know who it is. There's only one person who will be complaining about waking up early.

"Once you get a coffee you'll be fine." Aaliyah sighs dragging her best friend, my ex girlfriend towards Chloe and I who are sat at the table in the small cafe that's very popular here.

"It's Christmas soon, I'm in a hot chocolate mood." She sticks her nose in the air.

"Good morning." Chloe smiles as the girls come to a stop in front of us.

"Hi." Aaliyah waves

Harmony flashes an unenthusiastic wave as she sits down. Her head immediately falling into her hands as she grumbles about being tired.

"Can we get a hot chocolate for the two year old here please?" Aaliyah nods towards harmony and then looks up at the waiter that was passing by but stopped the minute Aaliyah grabbed his attention.

"Sure, anything else?" He looks around the table.

"I'll take a hot chocolate too." I smile politely.

"Latte for me please." Chloe orders, Aaliyah adding a "make that two" Afterwards.

"So. There's a lot to get done for gio's surprise party." Chloe sighs leaning back in her seat as she watches the waiter disappear.

"What do you need from us girl?" Aaliyah turns to chloe.

"Well, I was hoping you'd help me out with the venue viewing, you know legally what I have rights to and so on."

"Harms I was hoping you'd decorate the room, tables and stuff with flowers and balloons."

Harmony sticks her thumb up, head still in hands. I smirk, amused as I've always been at her antics.

"Jude, any photos you can find from your Dortmund days with Gio I need you to get printed out so we can decorate the hall with it."

I nod. Pretty simple task.

Our drinks arrive, Harmony perks up as soon as hers is placed in front of her, eagerly grabbing her mug filled with hot chocolate and taking several big sips.

"So, I'm with you." Aaliyah points to Chloe after sipping her latte.

"And, you two....are together.....for the party." Aaliyah points between harmony and I.

She shoots her head up, staring her best friend straight in the eye.


"No we're not. I'm getting flowers, he's printing off pictures." She clarifies.

"You can't carry all of those flowers by yourself. You'll need his help." She nods her chin at me, smirking slightly.

I watch Harmony roll her eyes.

"It's been a year, think we can handle spending a day together." I whisper leaning in towards her.

𝗠𝗬 𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡 | 𝗝𝗨𝗗𝗘 𝗕𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗛𝗔𝗠Where stories live. Discover now