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"Daddy, ice cream!" My one year old demands.

Stare down at her with an amused grin on my face. Definitely Harmony's daughter. Same demanding tone. Even managed to perfect her mother's Bambi eyes and disappointed frown that has been weaponised against me many a time.

"Baby, it's nine in the morning. Too early for ice cream." Bend down so I'm level with my little princess.

She throws that disappointed frown my way, just how her mother has taught her. Then runs away with her little legs, to my wife. Grabs onto her free hand, tugging it.

"Mummy! Daddy mean!"

Harmony picks our daughter up, holding her in her arms as she turns to face me.

"What did you do to my angel?" She raises an eyebrow.

"She wants ice cream at the crack of dawn." I huff.

"And as she should." She's got her nose in the air now and so does our daughter. I swear these girls of mine, run me ragged. Gang up on me always. And get everything they want at all times. Love it so much though.

"Harms." Give her a be for real face.

"Jude." Other eyebrows raised now. Both of them. And our cute little daughter has her small arms crossed looking at me as expectantly and defiantly as her mother is. She's a mini Harmony through and through.

"It's too early Harms. We can get her an ice cream at the game—"

"Baby how about we stop making daddy's silly breakfast, get some ice cream and watch Barbie?" Harmony asks our daughter, cutting me off mid sentence.

"Hey!" Now it's my turn to frown with disappointment. She was making me a nice breakfast for my game later today.

My cute little one year old claps her small hands together in excitement.

"Let's go!" Harms grins at me as she passes by me to get to the fridge. Opens the freezer part and takes out the special ice creams we buy for our daughter. She has an acquired and specific taste just like her mum.

"Breakfast?" I ask watching my wife walk towards the doorway to leave the kitchen.

She turns back to look at me.

"Eggs done, pans on the stove bacons in the fridge." Flashes me a bratty smile that my daughter copies.

Told you these two are a bloody handful. Thought I was in the clear once I was able to deal with Harmony. Clearly not.

Some time passes and I venture into the living room to see my wife and daughter cuddled up together on the couch watching a Barbie movie.

Such a cute sight, seeing our little one laying on Harmony. Head on her chest as she watches the movie, Harms with her arms wrapped around her, chin on top of her head.

I walk over silently, bend down next to them.

"Thanks for breakfast." Grin at the love of my life. She puts up a good little bratty persona, but I've turned her into a softy lately. She struggles these days to keep up her resolve.

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