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"Travelling with a boot is incredibly difficult." Harmony huffs as we walk out of the house towards the Uber waiting for us.

"You'll manage." I laugh, causing her to glare at me. Daggers practically shooting out of her eyes.

"How supportive." She says sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest as she watches me greet the driver who helps to put our suitcases in the back.

"Should have gone with your family to Jobe's game. They'd have treated me like the princess I am." Rolls her eyes. See what I mean when I say she's bratty and difficult? Quite fond of it though. Find it cute.

"Right because they'd have gotten a private jet to fly you to Dortmund and would have paid for your trip?" Raise an amused eyebrow.

She rolls her eyes, knows I'm right so she shakes her head and dismissively laughs.

"I'm just a tad grumpy because of this silly thing." Gestures down to her foot.

"That and your lack of sleep." I remind, opening the door so she can get into the Uber first.

"Yes and that. I hate not getting sleep." She says as I climb into the other side and shut the door.

"No more than I hate you not getting sleep. You turn into Godzilla." I joke.

"You're not funny." She scowls as she watches me laugh.

"I'm hilarious." Reach out to pinch her cheek but she swats my hand away.

"I'm just excited to see Mike." Crosses her arms and turns away to look out of the window. Nose in the air how it seemingly always is.

"I'm offended." I tease pulling her arm so they uncross, and taking her hand in mine.

"Good." She grins at me.

"You can be a little shit sometimes." I laugh, leaning closer to her.

"Well that's just a bit racist." She pretends to be shocked. Makes her reaction over dramatic the way she always does.

"Stop that." I laugh.

"Stop what? Calling you out on your outlandish behaviour? Your racist comments?" She raises an eyebrow. I see a slight grin on her lips though. She loves to annoy me.

I roll my eyes with a smile.

She giggles, pushing me playfully.

"All jokes aside, thank you for arranging this trip." She smiles softly.

"Think we needed to get out of London for a bit. Have some peace." I shrug.

"Yeah definitely, somewhere where the daily Mail can't write about me every single day. I swear they've been documenting my recovery more than my doctors." Harmony sighs.

Since both our accidents we've been quite the focal point for the press and well, everyone. We get so many dms and comments asking questions about our accidents, our recovery, asking if we've seen each other and know what's happened to one another.

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