Chapter 1

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Wake up. Go to work. Come home. Go to sleep. Repeat. Repeat for 2 years. Two years it took for me to finally snap and throw my letter of resignation at my boss, Alissa Brodwin.

Well, I didn't throw it at her more like I handed it to her while feigning a smile so she'd give me a good reference once I'd found a new job. Honestly, it wasn't the hours that made me hate this job so much. I liked the work and studying to become a journalism editor for 3 years at university and actually achieving my dream was all I could ever ask for.

Unfortunately, the editing firm I'd managed to secure as my first full-time job was as dream-crushing as it could possibly be. Everyone here was miserable and I was no different.

Alissa Brodwin took every opportunity to make our lives a living hell. Taking work meant for her and loading it onto the new staff was like her version of a housewarming gift. Meanwhile, she'd be smoking in the break room, not having to lift a finger while she raked in the money.

When I first arrived I myself received this "gift". I wanted to quit and while that wasn't an uncommon thing to do, I didn't want to give up after I had come so far. Not that many places would hire an editor straight out of university with zero experience.

I had nowhere else to go. That had been my mindset for two years. Unfortunately, I hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night as I stressed over some article that had been hanging over my head for a week and my decision-making skills (which usually aren't too strong, to begin with) had completely died.

I was eating a sandwich on my lunch break and thought "What if I just didn't work here anymore". Before I knew it I had printed out a resignation form and I was standing in front of Brodwin.

"Aww, it's a shame to see you go. This is so sudden. The team and I will miss you, you know. Are you sure you have to go?" Brodwin smiled. "You're one of my more hard-working members of staff. Everyone else here is so lazy."

I'm only "hard-working" because you load so much work onto me and I needed the money desperately. *I may still need that money desperately but I need to cut some losses before I die from being overworked.* And they're not "lazy", you don't even know how much you overwork them!

I wanted to scream that to her but I gritted my teeth and said:

"Haha. Yeah unfortunately I need to move closer to my family for personal reasons and having work nearby is more convenient."

"Awww. What kind of reasons are making you leave? Specifically?"

Does this bitch not know what the word "personal" means?

I hadn't really thought up a specific excuse because usually "personal reasons" were enough to stop people from peeving into others' lives. She was watching me like a hawk, her beady eyes probing into my soul as if she were deciding if I should live or die.

Another reason I'm desperate to leave.

"Well?" Brodwin prodded. I realised I'd been staring at her lost in my thoughts, willing to whatever high power that could exist that I was anywhere else but here.

"My mum's dying of brain cancer."

What? No, she's not. She's on a two-year Europe expedition to learn about the world that exists outside a failed marriage of 13 years.

One day I'll learn how to stop my thoughts from vomiting out of my mouth.

"Awww that's so sad." Brodwin simpered. "How long does she have?"

If what I had said hadn't been a lie I would have been really annoyed and felt that my privacy was being intruded on.

"A month."

Levi x Reader Fanfic "What It's Like To Work for You"  (Mature content warning)Where stories live. Discover now