A New Start

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The following Monday I started my first day at Ackerman Publishers.

All starry-eyed, I walked up to where I would be working and sat down at my desk. Not knowing where to start I looked over and there was a girl around the same age next to me. She looked over at me and smiled. For someone to smile like that at my old job, they were either just about to quit or they were getting fired. But this just seemed to be the general vibe in this office which was a breath of fresh air.

"Hi my name's Sasha. What's your's?" The girl asked smiling, holding out her hand to shake mine.

"I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you." I smiled and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you too. Your work has been sent through your email so if you have any questions, feel free to ask."

Over the next week, I felt like I'd know her forever. She was a funny person and was also a great source of gossip. She seemed to know everything about everyone in our office which included around 30 people.

"Okay Y/N here's the most important stuff: Britney is a bitch so stay away from her. She's always especially nasty to newcomers so be careful. George, the one in the chequered shirt, is messing around with Tessa, the high-ponytail girl. They haven't made it public yet because although Tessa likes George she also thinks he's too weird for people to know they're dating and George is okay with it because Tessa doesn't know he's actually married with a kid on the way." Sasha breathed in deeply and continued pushing on. "It's a fucked up situation so this morning I told his wife (without mentioning Tessa 'cause she doesn't know he's married so it's not her fault so I don't want her getting any heat for it) so little Georgie will be coming to work today a soon-to-be divorced man."

As we continued to chat I told her about my drama trying to get out of my old job.

"Jesus Christ! This Brodwin sounds like a piece of work," Sasha whistled. "Good on you for getting out of that even if she now thinks your mum is dead."

"Haha yeah. Glad I'll never have to see that witch again." As soon as I said that I realised that I'd probably just jinxed it but I pushed that thought to the back of my mind.

"By the way," I said, as we made our way back to our desks after another successful lunch break of talking about nothing yet everything. "It's been bothering me for a while now but isn't there supposed to be a team leader? I haven't seen one yet and I've been here, what, like a fair amount of time now."

"Oh yeah, you started here a week after the announcements went out didn't you?" We sat down at our desks and continued with our work while continuing to talk. "There was a bit of trouble with the transfer of our new manager. Our old one ran off with his mistress to Switzerland and hasn't been heard of since. It was the talk of the building for about a while. Anyway, the new one is due to come next Monday."

"What's their name?"

"It's something weird. What was it again? Oh yeah, the message sent out said A.Carlson."

The next Monday rolled around and I was excited. Finally, I was going to meet my new team leader. Someone who I could look forward to seeing each morning. Someone to look to for guidance. For support. Everyone watched the door as it opened.

"Awww isn't this such a lovely gathering of people? Thank you everyone for greeting me."

The colour drained from my face. No. Not that voice.

Brodwin stood up at the front of the room, assessing everyone. She caught my eye and made a little wave.

"I'm going to have one-on-one sessions with all of you to get to know everyone and we can all work as a team." She looked at me again. "Y/N L/N, why don't you come on in first?"

My legs followed her into her office and she shut the door behind me. She sat across from where I was already sitting.

"Awww well isn't this a nice surprise? You know when I was offered a job at this company I was quick to jump at it. Although when I saw your name on the list of workers I'd be supervising, I was quite confused because I swear you said you were going to find somewhere a few hours away."

"Well, I only started here recently. My mum passed away from her...brain cancer so I could find work closer to home." I said quickly.

"Awww I'm sorry about that. You should have come back to work with the team and me."

Fat chance.

I just laughed nervously.

My eyes fell on her name plaque: A.Carlson.

Of course. She got married. Damn, I wished I figured that out a week earlier so I didn't have a near heart attack.

Later that day I filled Sasha in on what happened.

"THAT'S the Blood-witch Brodwin?!" exclaimed Sasha just a tad too loudly.

"Shhh keep your voice down; she'll hear you," I flicked her shoulder.

"Oops. No, but yeah I did think she was a bit weird while I was talking to her. She kept saying 'Awww' even if the conversation didn't call for it. Is that normal?"

"For her? Yes, it is. I don't know if I kind of filter it out now or what but I don't seem to notice it anymore," I sighed.

"She gave me weird vibes though. She seems like the sort of person who can get viciously angry at the drop of a hat."

"You have no idea," I sighed again. I had a feeling I'd be having a lot of reasons for sighing now that she was back in my life again.

"Well, if she finds out that your mum hasn't actually died of brain cancer, I'll be sure to come to your funeral."

"Thank you so much, Sash."

"But in all seriousness, tell me if that bitch tries anything and I'll knock her down." Sasha flexed non-existent bicep muscles.

We both burst out laughing.

I wasn't going to worry about it too much. Brodwin, or Carlson I guess I should call her now, was just one person at this company. I had already made friends before she came so she couldn't try and prevent happiness to the extreme like at my last job.

Things were looking up and I wasn't going to let this minor inconvenience stop me.

Things were going great. I had friends, I was happy and it seemed like all the good things were happening to make up for all the bad things I had to go through. I managed to secure an apartment nicer than the one I lived in before I left my old job.

Carlson was around constantly but maybe being married changed her for the better because although she was still an annoying bitch, she wasn't horrible and actually did all of her own work. Most of the time anyway. 

Levi x Reader Fanfic "What It's Like To Work for You"  (Mature content warning)Where stories live. Discover now