First Move

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The next month continued like this. Sasha bullied Bridgett into completing as much work as she could. Unfortunately, there wasn't much she could do about Carlson's complete lack of work ethic but at least it was less than there would have been.

I'd now be doing his bidding for three months. I was halfway through this hell. Seemingly to commemorate this special event, I was allowed to get away with just cleaning and not doing any work. He'd also decided on a change of scene having chosen his office to be the subject of my cleaning. I don't know why he would need someone to clean it because when I was last in there (i.e. when I woke up there which I vowed to never happen again) it was cleaner than any room I had literally ever seen in my entire life so it was probably making it more dirty by me cleaning it.

"Gosh, it's hard to believe we've been doing this for three months. Time sure has flown," Mr Ackerman noted, casually walking towards me carefully making sure not to break his gaze with me, further convincing me that he got off on watching me on my hands and knees cleaning.

Well, I'm glad you've been having a good time sir. I thought scathingly. For me, it's felt like three years.

"Yes it has sir," I said through gritted teeth. Nothing good would come from me retaliating.

"About that..." He said slowly, stopping in his tracks.

"About wha-?" I said, turning around to face him.

I stopped mid-sentence, completely caught off guard by his proximity to me. I suddenly felt slightly faint. Shaking my head lightly I tried to concentrate on scrubbing the non-existent dirt.

"About what sir?" I asked, attempting and failing to keep my voice at a normal level.

After a moment of silence, he said,

"L/N. Would you mind standing up?"

Even if I did mind I doubted this was a situation where that was actually an option to refuse. Keeping this in mind, I stood up slowly and turned to face him, taking a few steps back to be at a more socially acceptable distance apart. I might as well have not moved though because he started to walk towards me.

Nervously, I stepped back more.

"Ummm. What is it, sir?" I felt my legs slightly tremble. Had I done something wrong? What was it? Is he going to hit me?

Before I could panic about it any more, however, he, without any warning, pushed me against the wall and leaned in close.

"You always address me so formally." I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck. I tried to push him back a bit but he stayed firmly where he was.

"Sir-," I tried to protest.

"It's always 'sir' this and 'sir' that. Kinda strange seeing how well we've gotten to know each other and how much more time we're going to be spending together over the next few months," He murmured.

What is he talking about? We know nothing about each other. Literally all we do is sit in silence.

Well, he sits. On a $2000 recliner to be precise. I'm on my ass picking chewing gum off the bottom of desks.

"B-but you're my boss of course I should address you like th-," I stuttered.

He pressed one of his long fingers across my mouth, silencing me.

"Now," He was leaning down and talking directly into my ear. I felt the vibrations from his voice everywhere; it sent shivers down my body and made me feel faint. "Why don't you start calling me just 'Levi' when it's only the two of us?"

Why did he want that? Surly he's the kind of guy who loves having his superior status solidified whenever he's spoken to.

"I-I'm not sure. Must-?"

Then, without any warning, Mr Ackerman put his right knee between my legs pushing up ever so slightly between my thighs. I felt a rush of pleasure in that area and a growing feeling of dampness. Mortified, I again struggled and shoved against his chest but it was clear to both him and me that he wasn't going anywhere.

"Just agree and I'll release you," he breathed into my ear. This whole situation was just too...too... intimate so I struggled again to get free. Unfortunately, because of this sudden action, there was a sudden moment when his knee pressed and slid slightly against my clit. Roughly. The unexpected momentary explosion of pleasure made me let out an erotic yelp. We both went silent.

"Please let me go, Mr- I mean L-Levi," I mumbled after 10 seconds of mortifying silence, refusing to make eye contact with him.

He obeyed and stepped back from me.

We walked in silence to his office where I began cleaning while he, as per usual, watched me in silence.

After finishing for the night I mumbled my farewells and rushed home as quickly as I could. As I lay in bed I thought about what happened.

Him touching me there felt so much better than when I did it myself. I wasn't able to control myself; remembering every brush of the fingers when he handed papers to me, every breath, every lustful look... Well, that last one is just my imagination in bed.

I don't like this guy. I despise him. He's taken away 6 months' worth of Fridays from me, talks down to me, and aghh he just frustrates me so much.

That's what my brain is saying anyway. The rest of me wants him to fuck me until I can't walk straight.

I turned off the light and lay down in bed, slipping my hand down my pyjama shorts. I thought about his mouth right next to my ear - I pushed in one finger - his voice vibrating through my entire body - I pushed it in further letting out moans of pleasure - his knee in between my legs brushing roughly, yet satisfyingly, against me - I slipped in another finger and fingered myself harder desperately needing relief. I remembered his knee roughly rubbing against my clit and fantasised about him rubbing his cock inside me as he whispered perverted words into my ear. I imagined him roughly kneading my clit between his finger while I moaned and begged for more... I came, grabbing my headboard from behind me, and gripping it for support.

Levi x Reader Fanfic "What It's Like To Work for You"  (Mature content warning)Where stories live. Discover now