Chapter 7

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On Saturday evening we met at the restaurant at the agreed time. When he said fancy restaurant, I didn't think it was anything this fancy. All the people here looked like they just stepped away from their palaces and castles to pop out for a bite to eat. I was glad I had chosen a dress suitable for this sort of environment but even that looked drab compared to what some of the other ladies were wearing. I was kind of embarrassed but he said that I looked nice. He too looked pretty dashing in his suit.

I was glad I wasn't the only one feeling nervous, as he too looked a bit uncomfortable. It made me feel slightly more at ease.

His name was Reiner. A bit of a strange name but he was really nice. Once we'd gotten past the awkwardness, we talked comfortably. The food was delicious and over it we talked and laughed and I had a really good time.

As the date came to a close I was kinda worried that he was going to ask me to come back to his place or something, but all he asked me was if I had a way of getting home. I said yes, I'd just call a taxi like I did to get here.

"Thank you for taking me out here. I had a really great -" I started to say after he had paid the check, after pretty much ignoring my insistence to split it.

"Y/N? What are you doing at a place like this?" an all too familiar voice asked behind me.

No, no, no, no. Please don't let that be who I think it is.

Of course, it was. I don't know anyone else with such a captivating voice.

Cringing, I turned around and saw Levi staring down at me. Oh, why does the world hate me so much? I turned to Reiner and said:

"I'm so sorry about him. I'll take care of it and I'll be back in a second."

Reiner nodded, clearly very confused.

Turning to Levi I retorted:

"Please come with me."

He nodded, smirking at Reiner as if he'd just won something.

We found an empty corridor to talk in.

"Sir, with all due respect I don't appreciate you talking to me when I'm not on the clock. This is my personal life and I don't like how you are intruding on it," I said as calmly as possible.

He looked at me disapprovingly, a look that shouldn't have turned me on. But it did.

Before I could even really register what was happening, he slowly pushed me against the wall, pressing himself on me; his towering figure bent down slightly and he stared at me, making me feel self-conscious.

"What did you just call me, Y/N? You know I don't like you calling me that when we're alone. I think some repercussions are in order, don't you?"

"What do you-"

He grabbed my hand and led me through the crowds back to where Reiner was.

"Sorry, but Y/N is needed elsewhere. You don't mind, do you? Great!" He said, in a manner I suspected was gleeful, before Reiner even had a chance to respond. "Well, we'll be on our way. Good night."

Levi took my hand and was about to take me through the doors when someone else caught my free hand. I whipped around. It was Reiner.

"Are you okay, Y/N? I can help you, you know, from-" Reiner looked up at Levi, choosing not to finish his sentence when he caught his angry glare.

Reiner looked at me desperately. All I could do was open and close my mouth like a fish. I had no idea what was going on.

"You see. She doesn't mind. And another thing," Levi grabbed Reiner's hand, ripped it from mine and said in a dangerously low voice, "Don't touch what's mine!"


At that moment a flash of what looked like deadly, red-hot fury ripped through Reiner's face but it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared so I wasn't even sure if it even happened.

I opened my mouth to protest his declaration, but he whisked me away, and I suddenly found myself in front of what I could only assume was his car. He opened the passenger door and held it open expectantly. I could still feel Reiner's eyes boring into my back so I was conflicted on what to do. I felt like they would have a physical fight if they had to breathe in each other's direction again but I still wasn't sure if I should leave with Ackerman.

"Sir, I don't think this is really appropriate. I want to go back to my date." I turned to leave.

Without even saying anything he tangled a piece of paper in front of me, smirked, walked to the other side of the car and got it. He started the car and waited. He waited because he knew I would get in the car after seeing my would-be termination papers. And I did. I got in. What choice did I have?

I then got a text from Reiner saying:

Are you okay? Do I need to call someone?

I'm fine. And I know this is a big ask for someone who basically ditched you but after I set things straight tonight (and I will, he's getting SUCH a talking to), I don't suppose we could go out again sometime because I really enjoyed tonight. I understand if you won't though. Goodnight :)

I think I'd like that.

Seeing you again I mean.

I smiled at my phone.

Next time somewhere where your possessive ex can't find you right? 😂 Goodnight.

My ex? Oh right, he must think that Levi and I...

Haha yeah. Talk to you later.

"Who are you texting?" Levi's intruding voice interrupted. I looked over at him and he was gripping the steering wheel like it was trying to get away. I hoped he didn't accidentally break it off.

"Huh? Oh, no one." I laughed nervously.

"What were you doing at the restaurant, sir?" I asked, trying to quickly change the subject, as we raced through streets that became forest and soon there were scarcely any houses. Maybe he was going to murder me and hide my body somewhere where no one would ever find it.

"I was on a date," he said nonchalantly.

"Did she already leave?" It was a little strange to take another woman away with you the second another has left.

"Oh oops. I forgot to say I was leaving," he chuckled. "Funny how some things slip your mind."

"What? Why did you just leave her without saying anything?" I was shocked. I knew he was rude but honestly, this was just...

"I saw you..." he said simply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. My heart skipped a beat. "...and I thought I could use you as an excuse to escape from that woman. My father is obsessed with me marrying one of these other companies' businessmen's daughters to form business connections or something. That whole generation seems to be stuck in the Middle Ages with them practically selling their children off."

Average loaded CEO response. I thought judgmentally, suppressing an eye roll.

"I thought 'Why on earth is she letting men woo her when she is committed to another' so I came to make sure you stay focused."

I could not believe the words coming out of this man's mouth. Who's living in the Middle Ages again, old geezer?

"First of all: 'woo' me? I don't get 'wooed'. I get to know someone and if they're actually what I think to be a decent human being, I'll want to get to know them better. And also committed to who exactly? I'm not with anyone and also stay focused on what exactly?" I said sarcastically.

"The answer to both of those two questions is me." He said boisterously.

"With all due respect, sir, I'm not with you like... that," I turned to see him with his usual face of composure, not a trace of a joking attitude in sight.

He didn't reply and I too fell quiet, leaving the rest of the car trip to be drowned in silence.

Levi x Reader Fanfic "What It's Like To Work for You"  (Mature content warning)Where stories live. Discover now