The First Meeting

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A week or so after my first year anniversary of working at Ackerman Publishers, Carlson had an announcement.

"Awww look at you all laughing and having fun," Carlson announced louder than necessary, interrupting Sasha and me as we had a serious conversation about our plans for lunch, positioning herself at the front of the room. "Can I have everyone's attention please? Good. I've been told to announce that the CEO of Ackerman Publishers is coming to this branch next Wednesday. As you guys know he's permanently based in Japan but he is coming to our city to oversee some expansions happening in the company that are relevant to our branch in this city. His stay is expected to be around 6 months at the least but it could be longer if things get behind schedule."

I thought this would be an exciting event, meeting the CEO of the company you worked at but surprisingly this information was met with a ripple of groans and annoyed faces. Curious I asked Sasha when the witch went back into her office.

"Oh my God. His visits are so annoying, you have no idea. Whenever he shows up he's SO critical of everything and ugh! Just talking about him makes me want to like-" She scrunched up an I-hope-wasn't-important piece of paper out of anger. "And that's not even the worst part! He's really good looking so all the women in the buildings start acting like imbeciles in front of him," she suddenly laughed. "Oh my god, have I told you about what happened to Brittney on one of his visits?"

I shook my head.

"It was the funniest thing. He was in this office and she acted like she needed help with it. She went all 'this is sooo hard, I need someone who's smarter than me to do this'. I was about to offer myself because I know I was smarter than her but she kinda shoved me aside and I was like what the fuck. She somehow got him to come over and he took one look at what she was doing and said, I'll never forget, 'Just say you're incapable of doing your job. Something this simple shouldn't even require a second thought. If it's not done within the next hour, I'll personally send you packing out these doors'," Sasha wiped a laughing year away and took a couple of deep breaths. "I have to admit that at that moment I felt a great respect for him."

Unfortunately over Sasha's shoulder, I saw Brittney glaring at me so I think she heard the shit-talking.

Oh if looks could kill...but they can't so I only half tried to stifle my chortle.

Leading up to his arrival on Wednesday, everything had to be perfect.

Carlson got mad at us if there was a single pencil out of place or a grain of dirt of the desk, putting everyone on edge.

When Wednesday eventually rolled around I was not having a good morning. I overslept and unfortunately, it was just enough for my train to be pulling out of the station just as I ran up to the card scanner.

Ugh, why is my life like this? This could have happened ANY time in the last year. But no it had to be today.

I waited 45 minutes until the next train that stopped near my company pulled into the station. 30 minutes later I was leaping out of the train (nearly forgetting my work briefcase I might add) and racing into the work building.

I was determined to make a good impression on the CEO and I hoped when he did his rounds to the separate departments, he left the editing department to last. I was only two levels from the top of the building so hopefully, he was working his way up still and I had plenty of time to collect myself.

I looked at my watch as I hopped into the lift. I was only an hour late. Whew. He wouldn't have been able to get through the 6 other lower levels in an hour and that's only assuming he started exactly at 9 o'clock. I had nothing to worry about.

Sasha told me later that day, as I cried of embarrassment, that I was right. Partially. He had only started the inspections at 9:15 and he had only gotten through 1 department and was halfway through another by the time I arrived. Unfortunately where I'd been wrong was the order. Instead of going from bottom to top like a NORMAL person, he, or some other executive or whatever, had the bright idea of starting at the top and heading to the bottom.

When I opened those double doors that led into the communal office room. The deep voice that was speaking stopped dead and the room became silent.

My eyes travelled around the room and I took in everyone's reaction. Carlson's infuriated expression, Brittany's gleeful smirk, and Sasha's fallen face of despair that read "I'm sorry I don't know what to do ''. Lastly, my eyes slowly travelled up to the owner of the deathly presence that had seeped into my soul and petrified me. Standing up front was the CEO of the company I desperately needed to be employed at. The one who could literally decide if I was able to pay my rent or not.

Levi Ackerman glared at me like I was the most rotten piece of trash he'd ever seen.

"I'm sorry for interrupting," I squeaked, rushing to take a seat beside Sasha.

His eyes lingered on mine for a second longer making my heart skip; out of fear. I think.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted..." Mr Ackerman said, flashing his eyes at me before returning to address the whole group. I hung my head in shame. Yup, it was definitely fear. He continued for another 15 minutes until the end when he finished with:

"And can the person who came in late come with me? I need to have a word with you."

I flinched.

As I stood up Sasha patted me on the back sympathetically.

"I'll call the police if he kills you," she whispered, trying to cheer me up, even though that was something that sounded more plausible than I was comfortable with.

I smiled weakly and followed Mr Ackerman through the double doors and into the lift. We went all the way to the top of the building and into what I assume is his office when he's around. I cringed as the tall wooden door softly shut behind me; leaving me alone with him.

Levi x Reader Fanfic "What It's Like To Work for You"  (Mature content warning)Where stories live. Discover now