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Mikey:“that would make you learn your lesson to not mess with me again”

The guy who's Mikey demand him to give his money back is actually now cuffed to a chair with nail ness hands and a lot of bruises on his face and cuts all over his body.

It was Mikey's favourite way to torture.

"Please...spare me...i have a daughter..."

The man spared his life mentioning his daughter that's waiting for him didn't budge Mikey who was heartless and cold.

Mikey:“you should have thought of your daughter before betraying me”

He was watching his tolls from blood so he could use them again next time, but just after seconds his assistant came inside running.

Zixin(in Chinese):“SIIIIIIIIR!!!!”

Mikey saw his assistant running towards him with a tablet in his hands which only means that Zixin found a new casino to gumble again.

Mikey(in Chinese):“wait a second zixin, I need to kill him first”

Mikey was pleased to see the person he betrayed him swim in his own pool of blood, he smirked with psycho eyes and pointed a gun towards his head.

"No no no no no no no no no"

Just at that moment, a tear was sliding down his face thinking of his daughter as his lost memory as he died in the hands of Mikey.

Zixin(in Chinese):“that was very harsh”

He commented which made Mikey wipe his gun from the blood.

Mikey(in Chinese):“that mother f*cker deserves it, so what's up?”

He turned to his assistant to know what he has from the news.

Zixin(in Chinese):“we found a casino that would be to your liking”

He scrolls through his tablet looking for the casino he found was famous these days.

Mikey(in Chinese):“hmmm, which one?”

The casino name was in English and too hard for Zixin to spell it but for the sake of his job and his life he gave some of his best.

Zixin(in english):“Thun-thunderous Casino”

Mikey(in Chinese):“you know what "Thunderous" means?”

Zixin nodded his head.

Zixin(in Chinese):“it means "very loud" in English sir”

He answered and that made Mikey smirk.

Mike:“thunderous casino, I like that... contact the owner and send him an email written in Chinese and if he doesn't understand it then, you'll find another casino”

Whenever Mikey made a contract with anyone, he tested him first...

Zixin(in Chinese):“yes sir”




Bangchan:“any new e-mails?”

He asked from his desk to minho who was with a duel face expression and typing the "F" Button over and over again writing a long chain of the letter "F"


He typed again.

Bangchan:“meetings? Calls?”

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