The Pearl (First Test)

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Their was pin drop silence in the Royal one dared to say a single word.... Everyone was looking at The Stranger Alpha in Awe.....

Min Yoongi is the most powerful man in the Kingdom after King Namjoon.  He is known for his physical strength and Fighting skills.... But here a random Alpha from Busan just lifted and Threw him away, as if he is a cotton doll..... Everybody was beyond shocked.... 

Jimin was standing beside Taehyung and observing the situation but when his Alpha was thrown away by the Stranger.... he couldn't hold himself and ran towards Yoongi to help him.... Others too helped Yoongi to standup and they took him to his room....because Yoongi is a Powerful Alpha and Jimin is a fragile little Omega.... he can't carry his Alpha alone.... and Moreover he is 4 months pregnent by Yoongi's child....
He was too worried for his Alpha to concentrate further in the royal matters and went to his and his Alpha's bedroom while crying silently.....

The King ordered the Royal doctor to treat Yoongi.... 

After they left.....

Taehyung didn't uttered a single word till now, but after what happened just now, he could not retain himself anymore and broke his silence.....

In the silent Court Taehyung's voice sang like the harmony of Piano....

He said "Foreigner, Don't you have a King in your Kingdom?"

"Yes Dear Prince we do have King in our Kingdom.... The whole World Shivers in his one growl" Kook replied proudly to The Omega Prince.... 

"Ooh....then, is he a Senior Alpha?" Taehyung asked again....

"Yes he is" Kook replied....

"Don't he have any son?" Taehyung asked .

Jungkook slightly chucked "Yes he has"

This time Namjoon spoke "I heard that the Alpha Prince of Busan is a very Kind man who loves to joke...."

"Yes Your Majesty, you heard right about our Prince, He loves Jokes.... and he can crack good jokes too...." Kook said to the King.... 

A small chuckle left Taehyung's lips as he said "What type of Prince he is....who sent an ordinary man instead of coming himself"

"My dear Prince.... I came here all by myself.... Nobody sent me here" Kook replied

Taehyung bit his lips at Kook's reply....
and thought in his mind "their is no way to win with him by talking....."

The Alpha who just threw away.... General Alpha Min Yoongi.... is undoubtedly a very much powerfull man....

The Omega Prince thought a lot then said "Fine, you are really a good weight lifter, but that doesn't prove that you are good worrier or not.... I sweared that I will marry the Person who will win all the three tests....I hope you already know what they are.... So without wasting any time let's start the first one...."

"I will try my best dear Prince to win your heart" Kook whispered the last part which no one could hear, but it did not get unnoticed by Prince he was effecient in lip reading....he understood each and every word Kook whispered which made him blush unknowingly 

After this Taehyung stood up and came near Kook....while both of them's heart was beating loudly....Taehyung couldn't understand what was happening.... but he ignored it and lifted his beautiful Lotus stem like hands in front of Kook, their was a Pearl in palm.....

"This is not an ordinary pearl....this perls are only found in the Deagu Sea.... Our ansisters say that this Pearl brings fortune" Taehyumg said with his soft and sweet voice

Then The gorgeous beauty fisted his Lotus Patel like palm and said "Okey now Prove your strength, open my fist and take this Pearl...."

Kook softly pressed in both sides of Tae's fist and it automatically opened....

Taehyung Pov

"How is is even possible....nobody could do this....those powerful Alphas who came to win my heart, could not open my fist to whom I gave this test, yes many passed in other physical power test but in this one nobody could win.... How can this happen.... When he touched me it felt felt like a wave of electricity passed through my body....Who is this Alpha?"

End of POV

Then Taehyung said
"You passed your First test"


Hope you liked this Chapter

Thanks for reading



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