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Mr. Hayes eyes stay glued to the screen as Jackson wanders around his office, occasionally stopping to pick up and examine a random item.

"Put that down," Mr Hayes says under his breath. Jackson rolls his eyes before gently returning the glass vase to its spot on the shelf.

"I don't even know why I came up here, staring at the white wall in my office would have been just as interesting," Jackson retorts. I chuckle, sinking deeper into the soft leather cushion of Mr. Hayes couch, my laptop gently rested on my lap. "Lillian, do you recall inviting Jackson up here," Mr. Hayes asks, I shake my head in response. "Neither do I," he shoots a pointed look at Jackson who rolls his eyes once again. A soft smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I watch their sarcastic exchange.

I gently push my glasses up the bridge of my nose as I continue typing on my laptop. The panoramic view of the city is painted with a white fog. The overcast looks like a filter, softening the image of the city below. The wool of my green cardigan rubs against my arms as I type. Jackson shifts his attention to me, "Are you excited for your first company holiday party," he asks with childlike excitement.

"I am," I say genuinely, returning the smile.

"Lily, I do have to give you a fair warning," he says with a worried disposition. He looks at me intently, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"And what is the warning?" I look him directly in the eye, though I am almost sure this whatever comes out of his mouth next will likely be absolutely ridiculous.

"Well, here's the thing," he runs his fingers over the stubble on his chin, "I will be looking really good at the party. I mean really good."

"Don't worry Jackson, I think I'll be able to hold myself together," I smirk at him, lifting one eyebrow.

"Lily, it's not you I'm worried about. I just don't want to cause issues between the female attendees, you know what I mean?" His eyebrows knit together with concern despite the mischievous glimmer in his eye. I let out a muffled laugh that comes out as more of a quiet snort. I hear Mr. Hayes chuckle from behind his desk, his hands still moving lightening quick across his keyboard.

"Yes, I absolutely see where you are coming from. I will be sure to let our security detail know," I keep my face as straight as I can as I feign seriousness. In my peripheral I can see Mr. Hayes eyes bouncing between Jackson and I, mildly entertained by our antics. Jackson nods his head, satisfied with my response.

I shake my head with a smile before returning my gaze to the screen in front of me with a to-do list as long as a trip to the North Pole and back. I sigh as I try to re-focus on the endless unopened email chains and timely requests from the events team. At this point I was feeling like Santa's least favorite elf.

I hear Jackson's footsteps crossing the room before landing directly in front of me. He sits on the couch across from me, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. A mischievous look flashes in his eyes, "Will you be bringing anyone special to the party," he asks quietly, but loud enough for me to know Mr. Hayes heard as his typing stops abruptly. The room is silent and I can feel his eyes burning a hold in the side of my head.

"No," I respond quietly.

"You know you have a plus one though," Jackson says sweetly.

"I know," I say sheepishly. I feel my cheeks heating up and for whatever reason, a feeling of embarrassment washes over me. I can't pinpoint where the shame is coming from, but nevertheless I feel it welling up inside of me. Especially under the stare of two men who likely have a line of women just waiting to pounce at any moment.

"Don't worry, I'll save a dance for you," Jackson winks at me, "Just promise you won't step on my toes."

"Thank you," I can't help but laugh. Little does he know I learned to waltz in the third grade and I was pretty sure I wouldn't be the one stepping on toes in a scenario as such.

The sound of keyboard clicks resume from behind Mr. Hayes' desk. The two of them exchange glances before Jackson stands up from his seated position, "Well, I guess I should go do my job or something."

Mr. Hayes sighs a breath of relief, "Respectfully," he says, "Please fuck off."

Jackson rolls his eyes before straightening his back, standing tall like a perfectly poised soldier, "Aye-yai captain, fucking off now," he salutes Mr. Hayes. He turns on his heels like a drill sergeant, "I think he's jealous of our chemistry," he says under his breath as he walks past me.

"Bye," Mr. Hayes huffs loudly, drawing out the end of the word. Jackson lets out a deep chuckle before walking out of the room, gently closing the door behind him.

"Never hire your best friend," he scoffs and shakes his head though I see a subtle smile plays on his lips.

"How did you two meet," I ask, unable to withhold my curiosity.

"First grade," a chuckle escapes his lips, "We were standing in the bathroom line, Jackson in front of me. He was talking to himself and I thought he was talking to me."

"Somehow that feels very in character for Jackson," I laugh, "Once a dork , always a dork I guess." I shake my head just thinking about miniature Jackson with his silly boyish smile talking to himself in a bathroom line. Mr. Hayes gaze meets mine, both of us holding back laughter. For a second the room feels light for the first time since I had started working here. But as the gentle laughter subsides, I avert my gaze to the floor and Mr. Hayes clears his throat loudly and once again the air in the room grows thick. We both re-focus our eyes on the work in front of us, silence washing over yet again.

"Well," I stand up gracefully, "I am going to get a snack. Would you like anything?" I ask politely. Mr. Hayes shakes his head, his eyes never leaving the screen. I nod before exiting the office and heading towards the break room. Excitement shoots through me as I spy an entire box of raspberry danishes sitting on the counter. My mouth waters at the sight of my favorite sweet treat. The flaky pastry falls apart in my mouth as a take a shark sized bite into the danish, trying to reach the raspberry filling on the first try.

I feel my phone buzz in the pocket of my wool cardigan. "Damnit," I say under my breath as I close the notification on my screen, returning my phone to my pocket. I wrap the rest of my raspberry danish in a paper towel and wipe the cornered of my mouth. Mr. Hayes eyes meet mine as I open the door to the office. I nod as I continue into my office.

"I am going to leave for the venue meeting in a minute," he says loudly enough for me to hear from my small office.

"Okay," I respond, meeting his volume, "I'm just getting my stuff together and then I am going to head over. I'll see you there." I throw my phone and laptop into my purse before slipping my arms into the sleeves of my coat and wrapping a scarf tightly around my neck. I step out of the office, gently closing the door behind me.

"Ready?" A deep voice says. I look up to find Mr. Hayes standing near the elevator with this coat in his hand, waiting patiently.

"Oh," I say, startled by his unexpected presence, "Sorry, I thought you had left." He only meets my gaze in response. He clicks the downward elevator button and we wait... 16 17 18 19 20 21 ... we stand next to one another in silence, watching the numbers above the elevator slowly change.

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