A New World

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You woke up with a headache. Silently cursing to yourself, you blindly searched for the water bottle you kept next to your bed. Finally finding it, you took a few small gulps before a wave of nausea hit you. Rushing to the bathroom, being guided by muscle memory, you knelt in front of the toilet and started to throw up. It felt like hours before you finally stopped puking. Dots started to fill your vision as your world went black.

Waking up the first thing you saw was white, and the first thing you smell was cleaning supplies. You winced at how bright it was and slowly sat up. Looking around you noted that the room seemed different than what a normal hospital room would look like. It look old and outdated. Well old isn't really the correct word to describe it. More like not up to date with what a traditional hospital would look like. The equipment also looked like it was from a different time. You couldn't help but glance around in confusion. This definitely wasn't your bedroom. 'Where am I?' Just then the door opened and a woman walked in. "Oh! You're awake." She closed the door behind her, you noticed that the door slid closed and didn't open and shut like the doors in America. "Where am I?" "You're in Konoha Hospital." 'Konoha?'  The name felt strangely familiar. Like you had heard it before.

The woman was now sitting on a stool, having grabbed it while you were lost in your thoughts. "Can you tell me what's the last thing you remember?" "I remember... going to sleep in my bed... Then waking up here." She wrote something down on her clipboard. "Is there anything wrong?" She asked noticing the frown on your face. "My head hurts..." The pain was bearable for the most part, but it was still very noticeable. "I see." She continued to write. "On a scale of 1-10 how bad is it. 10 being the worst." "A 5 or a 6. The pain is definitely noticeable but it's not that bad to the point that I'm holding my head in pain." You joked. The lady gave you a smile. "Do you remember anything else. Did you eat or drink anything that you didn't usually, or did you do something like to many Jutsu's..." Your brows furrowed. 'Jutsu's?' "What do you mean?" Now the lady's brows furrowed. "Sakura. What can you remember." Your eyes went so wide you wouldn't be surprised if they fell out of your eyes sockets. "Sakura? I'm not...what?" She looked concerned and wrote something down quickly. "I see..." You don't know what was happening but you could piece some things together.

1. You weren't in your body anymore, that you knew as these arms don't look like yours.
2. Something had happened to "Sakura" which caused her to end up in the hospital.
3. The 'nurse?' didn't seem very surprised when 'you' lost your memories.
Therefore the best course of action would be to go along with the memory loss and see where you are.

Your fist clinched around the sheet covering you. You had to be strong and act as best you can. The woman only looked more concerned as she saw your reaction. Fist shakily clenching the blanket while trying to hold back tears. It was a pitiful sight that made her heart clench. She put her hand on yours in a comforting manner. "Don't worry sweetie. I think you have amnesia. It makes sense because you came in here with a fever of 106." You were... shocked to say the least and you were sure it showed on your face because the nurse then spoke. "I know. When your mother rushed you in here we all thought the worst. It took hours before your fever went down to a safer level. You were in and out of consciousness and mumbling a bunch of words that no one could make out. You've been out cold for 2 days straight." A soft smile made its way onto her lips. "You're a strong girl, Sakura. I hope you know that." You didn't understand why your chest felt warm and fuzzy at her words but you liked the feeling. It felt... nice to be told that.

You glanced away shyly, not being able to hold eye contact for any longer. The woman chuckled at your behavior before standing up. "I'm going to go contact your parents. If you need anything press the red button on the side of your bed." You nodded showing that you understood and she left. You grabbed the cup of water that was next to your bed and took a sip. Your throat had felt dry after talking to the woman. You leaned back in the bad and that when you noticed it. Pink hair. You had pink hair. Suddenly it all made sense. Konoha, Sakura. You were in Naruto. "Holy shit..."

What. The. Fuck. (Aka a person wakes up as Haruno Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now