The Assassin of the Mist

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You all were now on a boat.

You glanced around not being able to see a thing. 'The fog is too thick. I can't see anything past Naruto.' "The bridge should be visible soon. When we reach the side of the bridge, we'll be in the Land of the Waves." The guy driving the boat suddenly spoke as the image of a bridge being built comes into view. "Wooow! It's huge!" Naruto yelled. "H-Hey! Please keep it down. I took this boat out under cover of fog. And I cut the engine and am rowing by hand. If they find us, we'll be in deep trouble." The man rowing the boat whisper shouts, his voice filled with fear, making Naruto cover his mouth with his hands to stay silent. "Mr. Tazuna. I Want to ask you something before we arrive at the pier. The identity of your assailants, and the reason why they are after you. If you don't tell us our mission may end when you make landfall." Kakashi said.

Everyone exept for the driver stared at Tazuna waiting for him to say something. "It appears I have no choice but to tell you. Frankly, i'd like you to listen. Just as you said, this may be beyond the scope of your mission. Actually, I am being targeted by a terrifying man." "A terrifying man? Who?" Kakashi asked. "You guys have probably heard at least his name before. A shipping magnate by the name of Gato." "What? Gato...of the Gato Company? One of the world's richest men?" Kakashi asked shocked. "Who? What?" Naruto asked.

"Yes...On the surface, he's the chief executive of a shipping company...But underneath, he is into drug-trafficking and deals in contaband using gangs and Ninjas. Moreover, he runs a despicable business, ruthlessly taking over nations and enterprises. It was about one year ago...when that man first set his eyes on the Land of the Waves... He used his wealth and violence to enter this country, and before anyone knew it, he had taken complete control of the island's maritime transportation and shipping. Having a tight grip on the ocean, in an island nation like the Land of the Waves, means having control of finance, the government, the people...everything. The one thing Gato the completion of the bridge...that has been under construction for some time now." Tazuna finished.

"So since you're the one building the bridge, you've become a hindrance." You said. "Then, those Ninjas from before were Gato's men?" Sasuke asked. "But I don't understand. Your oppontent is a dangerous one, who will even use Ninjas. Why did you hide that fact from us when you made your request?" Kakashi asked Tazuna. "Isn't it obvious Kakashi-Sensei? The Land of the Waves is a very poor nation. Tazuna doesn't have the money to pay for a B rank or higher." You said. "The girl's right even feudal lords have no money. We cannot afford to make requests of B rank or higher. Well, if you pull out of the mission when I land ashore, I will, no doubt, be killed. Killed sometime before I make it home. But there's no need for concern! Should I die, my cute grandchild who will turn eight, will only cry his heart out!"

"Oh!" Both you and Naruto gave him a look as you both knew where this was going. "And my daughter will only blame the Hidden Leaves Ninja for the rest of her life and grieve in solitude! Oh, it's not you fault at all!" Tazuna says in an exaggerated way. You looked at Kakashi with pleading eyes. "Well. I guess we have no choice. Let's continue as his bodyguards." Kakashi said. "Oh! I am most gratefull!" Tazuna said before thinking 'I won!'.

"We'll be arriving soon." The boat driver said. "Tazuna. It appears we haven't been noticed up until this point." "Thanks." You guys arrived and got off of the boat. "This is as far I go. See you around." The boat guy says. "Yeah. You've been a big help." Tazuna replied. "Be careful." The boat guy spoke one last time before starting the moter on the boat and leaving. "Okay. Get me home safely." "Right." Kakashi said before thinking 'When they next attack, it won't be Chunin, but elite-level Jonin. Cripes!'. While walking Sasuke speed up so that now he was walking beside Naruto and not behind him. This caused Naruto to think 'I won't let this guy do all the fun stuff anymore!' Before running up ahead looking around, and throwing a Kunai at a bush. Making everyone freeze only for nothing to happen.

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