New Teammates

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On your way to the academy you saw Ino walk out of the flower shop. "Morning, Sakura." You gave a small smile. A part of you was still happy to see Ino. "Morning, Ino. Listen I wanted to talk to you about something." "What? Is it that Sasuke's yours, and that I should give up? I hate to break it to you girl but I've been spending a lot of time with him recently." By that Ino means she's been sitting next to him in class and stalking him outside of school. "Besides who would want someone with such a large forehead like you?" Your smile faded as she talked. "Damn. She really said that. It's even worse when you realize that the two of you used to be best friends." The figure mocked slightly, but you could tell that it too was bothered by Ino's words. "I... Never mind." You turned and started walking the other way. Ino stared at you back as you walked away. 'Huh? Where's she going? Hump. Whatever I don't care anyways. It just means that I'll get to the academy first and sit next to Sasuke!' Ino then turned and started walking towards the academy, the idea that she would get to sit by Sasuke completely stomped the feeling of worry she felt for you after seeing how sad you looked when she insulted you.

As Ino walk away you went into an ally and began walking up the wall. You then jumped roof to roof to get to the academy quicker.

At the academy

Shikamaru looked at Naruto in confusion when he saw him. "What the-? Why are you here? Today's meeting is for graduates only." Naruto gave Shikamaru a smug look as he pointed to his forehead protector. "Hey, don't you see this headband? As of today, I'm a Ninja, too!" Shikamaru put a hand on his hip as he listened to Naruto talk. "How can I put it, it really suits me." 'So Naruto... was able to graduate.' Hinata thought as she started at Naruto while blushing. Just then Naruto stopped talking as he saw you come in.

As soon as you opened the door to your class and walked in. Feeling eyes on you turned to look where you felt it coming from, only to see Naruto staring at you with a blush. Smiling you began to walk up to him.

   'I still can't get used to how good Sakura looks in her new outfit...' Naruto thought, blushing, as he remembered when he first saw you in your new outfit.


As you walked in the classroom you felt everyone stare at you in disbelief or confusion. "Hey! Just what are you wearing?" Ino asked as she stomped over to you. You put on a look of confusion as she talked. "What are you talking about Ino?" "What do you mean! What do I mean? You're wearing a completely different style." "What? Are you jealous that I look so much better than you?" "Tch! As if you looking mature would make Sasuke fall for you." As you and Ino went back and forth Naruto continued to stare at you as if you were the most beautiful woman in the world. 'W-Wow...' Naruto's face sported a deep red blush as he stared. 'I didn't know she could get even more beautiful...'


When you smiled and started walking up to him he blushed even more. 'Sakura's walking towards me!'. "Mor... morning, Sakura-chan!" Naruto said standing up to greet you. You couldn't help but giggle at how he was acting. You knew that Naruto genuinely found Sakura pretty and that knowledge made your eyes soften. Naruto's face, somehow, got even more red at how gently you were looking at him. "Morning, Naruto-kun. Could you just-there." You had moved Naruto out of the way, sat down, and moved Naruto so that now you would be sitting in between Sasuke and Naruto. Just then Ino walked into the room with a smug look on her face. 'Now that Sakura isn't here-WHAT?!" As Ino scanned the room she saw you sitting right next to Sasuke. 'B-But how did she...?' Spotting Ino you gave her a smug smile and tried your best not to laugh when you saw her fuming. Running up to you she slammed her hand on the desk making Naruto flinch. "What do you think you're doing?!" You gave her a confused look. "What do you mean? I'm clearly sitting here talking to Naruto-kun. Sigh. Seriously, Ino. How did you become a ninja with eyesight that bad." You strugled not to laugh at the look Ino gave you.

What. The. Fuck. (Aka a person wakes up as Haruno Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now