Haku's Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors

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Tazuna's house

"Inari! Give me a hand. Inari?! I'll be right there." Tsunami yelled as two men walked up to her door. They both had swords. One with grey hair and a beanie. The other with a tattoo and eyepatch.


Fog started to cover the bridge making it hard to see. 'This mist...' "Sasuke! Sakura! They're coming!" Kakashi said and the two of you quickly pulled out a Kuni. 'I knew he was still alive. Making an appearance so soon, eh...' A cold sweat form on your back. You were scared.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Kakashi. I see you've got those brats with you as always. He's still trembling. Poor thing." Zabuza said referring to Sasuke whose hand was shaking. Zabuza's clones suddenly surrounded the four of you and Sasuke smirked confusing the clone in front of him. "I'm trembling with... excitement." "Do it, Sasuke." Kakashi smiled. Zabuza prepared to swing his sword but Sasuke quickly killed all of the clones. 'I can see it!' "Well-well. So he could see the Water Clones, eh. That brat's grown quite a bit." The real Zabuza and Haku stepped forward. "This means a rival has emerged, Haku." "So it seems."

With Naruto

Naruto was running through the forest, jumping tree to tree. "Darn it! I'm totally late!"

On the bridge

"Well, well... It seems my prediction was right on the money." Kakashi said. "Prediction?" Tazuna asked. "That little mask..." "I knew it... Hehe!" Sasuke said and you nodded in agreement. "So the Elite Shinobi of the Hidden Mist thing was a bald-face lie!" Tazuna said. "No matter how you look at him, he's gotta be a comrade of Zabuza. Standing together with him and all... I hate brats who think they're so cool." Kakashi said. "I'll do it." Sasuke said. "Huh?" "With his bad acting... I hate brats who think they're so cool!" "I see... good luck then Sasuke!"

"He's an impressive youth." "Hm." "Even though those Water Clones have only 1/10th the strength of their original... to think he went that far." Haku said. "However, you made the pre-emptive move. Go!" Zabuza told Haku. "Right." Haku started to spin his body, resembling a tornado, while he made his way to Sasuke. "What?!" Sasuke quickly put both his arms in front of him, Kuni facing Haku.

Tazuna's house

The two men cut down the wall of Tazuna's house. "Are you Tazuna's daughter? Sorry, but you're coming with us."

Inari was washing his hands when he heard Tsunami scream.

Tsunami droped the plate that she was cleaning and was on the floor covering her head with her hands. "Mom!" Inari ran into the room. "Don't come out! Get out of here, quick!" "What's with you, brat?! Shall we take him too?" The guy with an eyepatch asked. "One hostage is fine." 'Hostage...?!' Inari thought scared. "Then... Shall we kill him?" The eyepatch guy started to unsheathe his sword. "Wait!" The two man turned to her. "If you lay a hand on that child... I'll bite off my tongue and kill myself!" Tsunami yelled scaring Inari even more. "You want a hostage, right?" The man with grey hair smirked while the one eyed man sheathed his sword.

"Thank your mom, kid." The grey haired man said while Inari fell to the floor crying. "Oh, man... It's not enough..." "Knock it off. You just tried out your sword earlier. Forget it already and let's take the woman." The grey haired man said before grabing Tsunami and tying her hands behind her back with rope. "Mom, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!" The three of them started to walk out. "I'm weak, so I can't protect you... I don't want to die... I'm scared!" Inari said before remebering what Naruto and you had said to him. "You crybaby... So you're just gonna cry all day like the lead in a tragedy? An idiot like you can just cry forever! You crybaby!" "Naruto knows the true meaning of strong... like your father." He then remebered what he father said to him. "For the things I truly hold dear to myself... I protect them until the end with both these arms, even if it looks like I might lose my life!" Inari started to rub his eyes free tears as he had flashbacks of his family and team 7. "Can I... can I also become strong...?" He then stood up. "Dad!"

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