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The sound of the slaps echoes across the walls of the basement.

Minho was tied up to a chair, his arms were tabed behind him while his legs were taped to the chair legs while having a tape on his mouth.

Mikey was only slapping him hard since they arrived.

It was very humiliating to sit with your own constant and let yourself get taped by your worst enemy and treated badly like a slave.

Mikey:“i have a question...HEY MINHO!! Don't look down yet we're still at the beginning”

He pulled his chin up, Minho looked at him with red furious teary eyes while his cheeks were red from all the amount of slaps he received from the criminal.

Mikey forgot that he taped Minho's mouth so he removed it very harshly that results in Mingo to let out a loud gasp.

Minho:“you f*cker—”

Just before he finished his sentence he received another slap from Mikey who was frustrated with his attitude.

Mikey:“WHO GIVES YOU THE PERMISSION TO SPEAK!! Anyways...i feel like I saw you before, a long time ago”

Mikey starts remembering where he saw someone who has similar visuals to Minho.

Minho:“I don't think I remember your ugly face anywhere in my life before”

That caused him to receive another slap, he was getting into the criminal's patience.

Mikey:“are you sure? Haven't you visited the Red & Heels bar before?”

Minho's eyes got wide which went noticed by the Criminal that only put on a devilish smile on his face and is happy he got a reaction out of Minho.

Mikey:“you are actually familiar with the name, interesting...that only means that we met before. do you have a female relative that used to work there? I am able to remember something if you give me a name”

There it is... The worst of his nightmares that gives him hard times, bad days, and sleepless nights.

It was worse than his cat's death or not having the ability to go to college.

It was as bad as him getting r*ped and getting into an accident.

It was something traumatizing that happened to him before all of this.

And he hate to remember it so he stayed silent.

Mikey:“sure...I'll give you some time, I'm going out and once I come I would at least know the first letters of her name”

With that being said, the criminal left the basement where Minho stayed in his tied position with his gaze fixed down.

The criminal didn't notice the tears on Minho's eyes that he spreads once the memories flash right before his eyes.

Minho:“guys...please come fast”

[Thunderous Casino]

Mikey had won some rounds of poker but the man was upset because he didn't see Jisung anywhere at the casino when he came back just for him.

Jisung:“are you looking for me?”

Someone behind him who sounds like the person he's been waiting for. He turned around only to be met with Jisung.

Mikey:“you're here!! Where have you been?!”

He asked taking steps closer to Jisung who only stepped back.

Jisung:“i was having my break, how about you? I heard that Mr.Secretary left with you yesterday”

Mikey already knows what Jisung meant by a "break", the guy is into smoking and just as it sounds unreal but Mikey still can't picture someone as pretty as Jisung can have some bad sides in him.

Mikey:“yes, I kidnapped him”

He confessed, that criminals always test the people he always gets interested in to see on which side they would pick.

Would Jisung get panicked? Would he report him to his boss?

Mikey was just curious on what Jisung is going to say.

On the other hand, Jisung was actually controlling himself not to punch him when the criminal admits that he kidnaps him rather than Minho going with him, this guy was an a** and Jisung can't wait to see him behind bars.

Jisung:“am I allowed to know that?”

He tried he's best to pull the fake expression he ever done in his entire life.

Mikey was impressed, Jisung doesn't seem that he had a problem with that which only made smile even more.

Mikey:“as long as you don't tell your boss”

Jisung pulled another act by crossing his arms and showing that he doesn't care about what the criminal did.

Jisung(eye roll):“relax...it's not like I know that Secretary personally and besides, I'm not a good boy as I seem”

Unlike the lie he says, Jisung couldn't pull himself to lie even more, it wasn't his thing but he got to do it for the sake of saving his boyfriend.

Mikey:“yes, I know...how about you come with me to my house and I'll show you my guns?”

Wow... Just wow.

Without drawing plans on how to convince the criminal to take him home, the same criminal was here inviting him to his house.

Jisung:“you're not alluring me to come your den so you can torture me or r*pe me?”

Mikey just laughed at his sentence when in reality, that wasn't funny but psychos have their own taste of jokes.

Mikey:“if I wanted that, I would've done it from the beginning without your permission”

Jisung was glad that the thing Mikey is having towards him wasn't just lust but full admiration of him.

Jisung:“so am I special?”

Mikey nodded his head then grabbed Jisung's hands the said.

Mikey:“just say yes and come with me, I promise this is going to be just showing you some guns”

Jisung:“can't you teach me?”

What be asked took Mikey by surprise, Jisung keeps surprising him by his unexpected bad attitude day by day.

Mikey:“Do you have the guts to hold a gun?”

He asked which only made Jisung and made him think of him holding a gun against his head just like he did with Seungmin.

Jisung:“I told you, I'm not a good boy”

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